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I have just finished 4/4 of EC without too much trouble but tomorrow I start 1/4 paclitaxel. I’m feeling slightly nervous about it if I’m honest - I had a different chemo  purse and she filled me with doom and gloom of all the things that can go wrong… I know they have to but she just didn’t go about it in the right way for me…

Do you have any personal experiences of it that you’re happy to share? I have to have it via IV into my picc line over three hours… xxx

  • Hi   I had the exact same treatment as you. I too went through EC without too many issues. I was also told Paclitaxol was worse and was really worried. However, it wasn’t as bad as I thought. I had really achy legs to the point I couldn’t sleep after the first one so spoke to my onco & he reduced my dose for the next ones & it was much better. I felt more tired but it could have been accumulation of all treatments.

    Just make sure you report any side effects you get but hopefully you will be ok. Good luck!

  • I had 8 cycles of weekly paclitaxel. I used the cold cap throughout my chemo. I had an allergic reaction on cycle 3 so was given m3ds including iv antihistamines. So slept through chemo. Bit tired but was able to work on non chemo days. Good luck

  • Thank you. I’m glad to hear it went ok for you. I wasn’t too worried about it previously but this particular nurse put the fear of god into me about allergic reactions, damaged veins and all sorts!

    Did you have any problems with back ache or pains when receiving the drug?

    I haven’t had any sickness with EC or loss or taste or appetite so I’m hoping it stays that way.

    Thank you for sharing x

  • Thank you.

    I have cold capped through my EV and was doing really well up until my final week (wk 8) where my hair just started really falling out so I’ve had it shaved off but I’ve left enough coverage to still be able to CC. I’m hoping by having a lot less hair it puts less pressure on it and it all remains.

    Did you have the reaction when you were being given it? Was it all over fairly quickly? x

  • Hi   I didn’t feel anything whilst receiving the drug but after the first one I couldn’t keep my eyes open and went home and slept for hours! Very unlike me. So other than that and the achy legs I was ok.

    i also didn’t get any sickness, loss of taste or anything either. Seemed to sail through it! hopefully you will be the same with Paclitaxol 

  • No sickness at all. Didn't take the meds they gave me as didn't need them. No real pains, just fatigue. The allergic reaction wasn't even v scary tbh. I knew that I may have one so I started getting weird chest and back pain, nurses called for help and I was sorted within minutes. Good luck

  • It started on 3rd week, few minutes into treatment. Literally over in minutes. They paused the infusion for a bit then ran it at a slower rate after giving me iv steroids and antihistamines. Felt fine afterwards

  • Did they give you any antihistamines before they started treatment? I know they give me a whack of them before they start the chemo

  • Can't honestly remember. I know I had a 3 day cocktail to cover day before to day after but think they were more anti sickness. Steroids for 3 days added in after the reaction with additional Iv meds pre infusion. Just made me sleep through it tbh