Bed day

  • 7 replies
  • 316 subscribers

I haven't been final staged yet but started off Grade 2 invasive lobular cancer in left breast which after further scans/biopsies is also in my right breast. Evidence of metastases in left breast so I'm having double mastectomy on 20th Feb. Have chosen to go with no reconstruction mainly because I can't face another operation but also at 57 I don't feel the need. Having my surgery date confirmed yesterday it all seems very real now and I've chosen to have a duvet day today to allow myself time to process. I've cried a bit, eaten a lot and generally just reflected on things. I know there's lots of advice out there on distraction techniques to help us cope when things get too much but I find allowing myself these time outs gives me the strength to keep going. Just thought I'd share in case that helps anyone.

  • thanks for sharing that ... im new to this forum. 

  • Good luck with the surgery. I fully support the idea of duvet days

  • Good luck for your surgery.

    I Too can understand the need for a duvet day but as a mental health survivor can I suggest to make it just the one. Take each day a step at a time break it down into small increments and celebrate each success.

    keep talking everyone here has been so helpful and supportive when I’ve had questions or felt a bit off.

  • Yey to duvet days when you need one Twice hit.

    I too went with no reconstruction as 61 and didn’t want to undergo a prolonged surgery. 

    All the best with surgery next week. 

    Alfie 24

  • Having a pamper day/lazy day is so good for the soul, as we all cope in so many different ways. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings x.

    3 weeks ago I had my diagnosis and, today is the 8th day of post opt, so decided to join this wonderful and supportive group to help me on this scary journey.

    Good luck with your surgery and sending you lots of hugs and positive vibes your way Heart

    1. Thanks everyone for the best wishes. Had surgery today and really not as bad as I thought. Pain management has been great so far so not been uncomfortable at all. Now that pain relief given in surgery is starting to wear off I can start to fell bruised. We'll see how it goes when I get home tomorrow. Been up and moving about as well so pleased I managed that too. Usual excellent NHS care ...we're so lucky to have this. My only issue and it might turn out to be a non issue has been the compression bandage round my chest. It's come unstuck 3 times now so not really doing any compressing. Hopefully it won't matter. I had all lymph nodes removed from left armpit and they did a sentinel node biopsy in right breast so will have to wait another one to two weeks for news of any follow up treatment.  I know everyone everyone is different but for those of you waiting on a double mastectomy, it may not be as bad as you fear so be reassured.
  • OK I'm so sorry I should have waited a bit before posting the above. 2 days post op the story is a bit different. In a lot of pain and have quite heavy seroma build up around wound but mostly under my arms. Seeing nurses tomorrow so we'll see what they say. This is not minor surgery and yet I was discharged the day after. Doesn't seem right and while I love being at home I can't help feeling that it's easier to deal with complications while you're in hospital. Not been a great day, pain and tears I'm afraid. Here's to a better Friday