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On the 26 January 2023 I was diagnosed with Triple Positive BC (Oestrogen, Progesterone & HER2 receptive) (30mm), then they suspect that I have a very small met in my liver (too small to biopsy)

I have had 4 cycles of EC (given every three weeks), 4 cycles of Paclitaxel (given weekly), MRI showed no evidence of cancer in October. Despite being advised that due to the met I may not be offered a lumpectomy (as original treatment plan), the MDT wished to offer me a lumpectomy due to the good response that I had to chemo.

I have also had 8 cycles of Phesgo , monthly Prostrap injections and Antatrazole. 

I decided to have the lumpectomy and the removal of a few sentinel lymph nodes in early December. The results showed that there was a 5mm residue and that the nodes were clear.  As a result I am about to start a 5 day course of radiotherapy in a few weeks, then my HER2 treatment will be changing to 14 cycles of Kadcycla. 

I'm a little disappointed by this but it is what it is, but I find myself with all these questions, which I know I could contact my breast nurse but wondered if anyone could help, especially on the side effects?

My questions/ queries are ...

1. Is it normal to have blood tests before each cycle?

2. Are there any pre/ post infusion med (antihistamines, anti sickness, steroids)

3. What are the main side effects you have suffered (I appreciate that we are all different but would be good to know?)

4. How do you have the infusions (canula or Picc lines etc?)

Any other advise welcome

  • Hi, I had different chemo to you, but I can help a little.

    The blood tests - yes, before each cycle to check that we are healthy enough to endure chemo. 

    Meds - you should be given anti sickness meds and my advice is to take the, for a few days and not wait until you feel nauseous as by then it's too late.

    Infusion- I chose cannula.but talk to your nurse

    Side effects - all different for sure, but here's a link to my blog as you might find it helpful Chemo hits and tips

    You can also always a call the lovely folks at Macmillan any time you need some advice on 0800 808 0000. Best wishes 

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  • Hi, I finished 14 cycles of Kadcyla at the beginning of December 23.  Had different chemo regime previously.  We are all different but no real side effects,  blood test before each treatment is normal. I took one anti sickness domperidone half an hour before each infusion, then as and when needed, all rounds were given via cannula.  ECG every 3 months is also normal just to check that there are no heart concerns. Wishing you all the best. Xx

  • Thank you for replying, im so aware that we all react differently but starting to feel a bit apprehensive! Sort of knew what I was like with Phesgo, so starting with another treatment is daunting!

    will definitely take the anti sickness!

    1. Thank you for replying. Do you mind me asking if you suffered with neuropathy? I've still got some in my rh thumb from chemo, which has been improved by taking the Pyroxidine my oncologist prescribed. Think I'm quite daunted as it was in the thumb, first finger and sometimes in my arm, so hoping that this doesn't make it worse again!
  • Hi Stacey, have slight neuropathy in my toes from first chemo treatment, docetaxil Carboplatin and phesgo.  It has not got any worse on Kadcyla in fact fingers have improved greatly. X

  • Hi Mimosa, could I ask how you found Kadcyla? I had Docetaxel, then changed to Paclitaxel. I also had Carboplatin, Phesgo. I stopped chemo at end of Jan and had surgery two weeks ago. I've found out I need to have radiotherapy and also 14 cycles of Kadcyla. How long after surgery did they start you on it? (I've got a lot of internal healing to go yet, as had a big procedure). I've still got tingling feet and hands from chemo, I'm quite concerned about that getting worse on Kadcyla. Was it as bad as the orig chemo, or any easier? Thanks so much, D

  • Hi D, like you I was alarmed when I needed further chemo.  I had lumpectomy and axillary clearance in December 22.  I saw oncologist in January 23 and had 5 radiotherapy sessions beginning of March.  Kadcyla started in February so ran alongside radiotherapy.  I can honestly say I had no side effects at all.  I had slight neuropathy in my toes from previous chemo but it didn’t get any worse and although I finished treatment in December 23 I still have symptoms of that, but if that is all I have to live with I am grateful for that.  Hope it goes well for you too. Xx

  • Thank you so much for this, it's eased my mind a bit. xxx