The 5 year ?

  • 9 replies
  • 315 subscribers

Hello all, just a quick question as I'm.newly diagnoses with breast cancer and am currently waiting results for lymph glands biopsy as well. I keep seeing this 5 year survival rate ? What does this mean exactly? What about post 5 years ?  I'm a little numb and still all a bit in tge air really x 

  • Hi  

    The 5 year survival rate you refer to is just a measurement of how many people are still alive at that point. It doesn't mean you'll only live for 5 years from diagnosis. Sometimes figures are available for the 10 year mark too.


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  • 5 year survival does not mean you’ll only live for 5 years, it’s just the amount of time they collect the data for. NHS now provide data for 5, 10 and 15 years. Knowing your prognosis is a very personal choice - tell your consultant if you want / don’t want to know it. The NHS tool is available online - but again, don’t rush into finding it out - have a think about if you need to know. Sending you positive vibes xxx

  • Thank you, from what I thought if you have the tumor removed etc and are given the all clear, foes this mean its not cured and may come back again, I'm just overwhelmed right now x 

  • I thought from my understanding that once tge tumors and or breadt are removed then its gone but now I don't really understand.  Just overwhelming  x

  • It is very overwhelming….yes in theory if they remove the breast tumour (and lymph nodes if needed), then it should be gone. But if you have an invasive breast cancer (which most of us do), then there is a chance that some cancer cells could have already escaped through the lymphatic or blood system and in the future these cells could create tumours in other parts of the body (called secondary cancer). But remember most breast cancers don’t come back - your individual risk is based on the type, size, nodes and treatment you have. Your medical team will guide you through all of this and tailor a treatment plan for you - they will have seen it all and will work out how to ensure your risk is minimised. Breast cancer healthcare is generally very good in UK so put trust in your team. Big hugs xxx

  • They can also cause a local recurrence,  so not stage 4! ER+ is more likely to recur later (more than 5 years out) and TN is almost always in the first 5 years of it happens.

    “Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet.  Stephen Hawking,
  • Thank you I'm not sure what that means x

  • It's very confusing, tge terminology bring used. . I had a standard mammogram 2 weeks before I found a mark on my nipple and it came back clear ! I also went and had my bloods done but they came back clear ! It's only that I went back again to ask the Dr for a referral as I didn't like tge look of my nipple that my breast cancer got found ! I don't understand  why my Mammogram didn't pick it up or why my bloods were normal 

     I thought that these checks were to find cancer early . I'm just so confused x