Radiotherapy fibrosis

  • 10 replies
  • 314 subscribers

Hi has anyone had radiotherapy  fibrosis?

I've recently  been diagnosed  with lymphodema in my arm and now have to wear a sleeve , but the sore pain,where I had lymph node clearance  I've been told is radiotherapy fibrosis. My gp has put me on amitriptyline 10mg,and says I'll probably have to take them forever

Has anyone else had this?

  • Hi, I had radiation fibrosis in the chest wall, and apparently it was worse on the mastectomy line. I had three weeks radiation after mastectomy in September 2021.  I also had extensive lymphodoema in the axillary area. I had to wear a compression garment (like a boob tube - so the whole of the chest wall and armpit was covered). This was ribbed, and it naturally massaged the area as I moved around - although I couldn’t feel anything - but it was comfy, and helped with the discomfort. Roll on two years … and yes I still get flare ups of lymphodoema, but this is relieved with the special exercises that I was told to do. The fibrosis has improved immensely, it certainly doesn’t feel like it used to. I did not take any medication, but stuck with the garment, and at that time, did my exercises everyday. I hope things feet better for you. Xx

  • Aahh thank you for that,lymphodema nurse says it's just something  I have to live with,but to manage it.

    Thanks for your positivity 

  • Hi Kittycougar

    Amitriptyline is often given for nerve pain - tingly stabbing pins and needles type of pain. I was given this many years ago for nerve pain in my feet following foot surgery. The ide.a is it masks the pain rather than gets rid of it. I had terrible side effects and lasted no more than a few days - every time I stood up I almost fainted. Couldn’t even get out my bed in the morning. I think a lot of people take these for different kinds of nerve pain from surgery and some people cope ok. Do read up on the side effects.


  • Yes I did,some of them are quite worrying 

    Hopefully I'll be ok on them

  • Hi Cloudier

    Can  I ask where did you get the Lymphodema boob tube from? I think I have chest wall and under arm Lymphodema now - extremely uncomfortable! I’m seeing a physio in a couple of weeks time.

  • Hi, it was prescribed for me by the lymphodoema clinic, which was at the Cancer hospital where I had radiotherapy (not my breast clinic) . It was very expensive (about £150) from memory and is made by Comfiwave. They said a GP can’t prescribe it. Xx

  • Thanks - I will ask when I get there if she says it’s Lymphodema. Xx

  • It was prescribed for the fibrosis - which they diagnosed. It did do the job, but took about six months of continual wear

  • Hi Cloudier

    I saw the physio today. Strangely enough she mentioned the Comfiwave boob tube before I had a chance to ask about it. She going to give that a try and has suggested joining a yoga class which I’m keen to do. Thanks for giving me some hope on this as I was getting very down about it, thinking there was no solution. I know this might not be the answer but sounds like I’m at least going in the right direction. Xxx

  • Hi, yes, that’s the spirit. It did work for me. It isnt an overnight remedy, but hopefully you will soon feel some improvement. Stretching exercises, like yoga, are very good,p I have found. X