Chemo update

  • 4 replies
  • 314 subscribers


I'm on day 5 of my first round of chemo. I found yesterday really tough and today hasn’t been great but there’s an improvement. 

I’m just looking for some reassurance/knowledge on other peoples experience. Did you find a pattern or did the rounds get harder? It’s not easy with two small children but I know I’m not the only doing this xxx

  • Can’t answer as I don’t start chemo until 7th February. I’m having it weekly for 12 weeks and then every 3 weeks for 12 weeks. Hope you feel better soon it must be hard with little ones.

  • How are you feeling in the run to it? I have found starting better as a family, at least we know what we’re up against now and the end is in sight. Hope it all goes well for you x

  • Hi, I found that mine were very consistent, the day of treatment was ok, as were the next 2-3 days. Days 4&5 were the toughest and by day 13 (of a 21 days cycle) I felt pretty normal again. We are all different and it might not be the same for you though. I was told that it can be cumulative and get worse each time but I honestly did not experience that.   Best wishes 

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  • I felt better knowing when it was starting so I could tell work and just get my head round it all. I am nervous about it, but once it starts it’s getting me nearer to finishing! (If you see what I mean)