Tooth extraction whilst on Zometa treatment

  • 8 replies
  • 314 subscribers

Hi everyone, I am receiving Zometa treatments once every 6 months after having breast cancer lumpectomy and chemo. I had the dental check prior to having my first Zometa treatment. Two months later I have been dentist who have advised a fractured tooth that will need to come out. I have to ring my oncologist as the dentist will not treat me and advised they will refer me to the hospital. I am obviously worried now in case of the side effects of tooth extraction, osteonecrosis. Need to contact my oncologist tomorrow but has anyone been through something similar? 

  • FormerMember

    Hello there!  Really glad someone has come up with this question!! I’ve had 3 bone infusions to date, 6 monthly (don’t know what my treatment is called).  Like you I’ve been going to dentist prior to infusions and dentist scared the daylights out of me by talking about necrosis of the jaw!! (She just talked me through WHY they can’t do invasive dentistry and to keep my teeth/gums as clean& healthy as poss). Over Christmas 2 teeth on same side, top & bottom broke (on a hard nut) and she has temp refilled them w/o injections of course. No pain and fillings working well, however, an upper tooth on other side literally just broke, fell into my mouth, i crunched it w/o realising and swallowed it! Absolutely no pain, blood, nothing! I haven’t told dentist as yet. I have next infusion in April so will be interested to hear what your oncologist says about your situation! Dentists DO know all about bone infusions and are therefore unwilling to go deeper into the gums. I wish you well and hopefully look forward to your report! xxx

  • Hi, my blog gives you the detail Tooth blog link here. But basically yes I had a wisdom tooth removed by a wonderful emergency dentist in Milton Keynes (at a dental clinic, not hospital) . Not ideal, but the only solution.   Best wishes, toothache is the worst pain, I hope you get sorted soon

    Community Champion badge

  • Hi, I started on zelondric acid infusions last year and was due my second one in mid December. However, I had a dodgy tooth which was needing to be taken out but not causing any pain at that time and so the dentist and I decided we would not do the extraction until 2 months after my second infusion.

    Then in early December, the toothache started. I spoke to the hospital who said they wouldn’t give the infusion while I had a problem with my tooth, so I had it removed on the day before I was due the infusion. The dentist referred me to a dental surgeon working within the same practice, who completed the extraction.

    The infusion was then delayed for about 2 months, so should happen mid Feb.

    i was advised that the delay is very unlikely to have any detrimental impact.

    i have also had a second mastectomy in between, to reduce the risk of further cancers as I found out that I am BRCA 1 positive, so the delay also gives me time to heal from the surgery.

    Each time I have had to get the dentist to complete forms to say I am dentally fit for the infusion. My dentist is brilliant and completely understands the process and the timings needed to make it all work.

    i wish you all the best, I would just follow the advice of the hospital staff, they work this out all the time to reduce any risks and seem to me very knowledgable.

    Good luck

  • Thank you for your feedback that’s really helpful. I am waiting on my oncologist to call me back as my dentist won’t touch me. They said we can refer you to a hospital so I am waiting to see what my consultant advises. Can I ask if your gum healed up ok after the extraction and did you have any issues with healing? I wished I could find a private dentist locally to get it sorted once I hear back from my oncologist 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    My infusion is Zoladronic acid..little horror!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to MTT

    Wow! You’ve certainly been through the mill…in order to not worry, I always say to myself “this time next week/month (whatever) it will all be sorted!” I wish that for you and anyone constantly awaiting results/updates/appointments! X

  • Hi, Yes I healed very well with no issues at all. I am an insulin dependent diabetic too, so that can also interfere with healing, but it was all fine. By coincidence, the hospital rang me today to ask me to take the completed forms in so they can work out the dates to reschedule the infusion, so they are on it too. 

    I hope you find a great dentist soon and get it sorted.

  • That’s good to hear. Hope you are on the mend, you have been through quite a lot in a short space of time xx take care