Travel during and after treatment

  • 11 replies
  • 320 subscribers

Hello all, just wondering if anyone has travelled abroad during or after any treatment, and what their experience was? I am contemplating a short holiday in between finishing chemo (EC and Docetaxol) and surgery (lumpectomy).

  • Hi Sarar

    While I haven't the experience you are looking for but I noticed that you haven't had any answers yet so I thought I'd reply to you to move you to to the top of the discussion.  Hopefully someone will be along shortly with an answer for you.

    Best wishes


    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi. I'm interested too if anyone can help.

  • Hi  

    I went abroad after I'd finished all my treatment. However, this was in our motorhome so I was able to pretty much isolate as my oncologist had said that my immune system wouldn't be completely back to normal for about 6 months after treatment had finished. If I had to go anywhere crowded then I wore a facemask.

    One thing to bear in mind before you book anything is to check that you can get travel insurance and how much that might be. There is a travel insurance forum within the online community where you'll find lots of suggestions for companies that will consider providing insurance for people who have had a cancer diagnosis. Clicking on my link will take you directly there. 

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Thank you, that’s really helpful. I’ll check out the insurance forum. Perhaps I’m being optimistic about my travel plans for a while!

  • I wouldn't say you're being too optimistic at all but I just wanted you to be aware of checking out insurance before booking your holiday.

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Depends on the length and location but there are lots of factors to consider. One is sun. I was told to keep out of the direct sunlight while on docetaxel and for a good few weeks afterwards but of course you can sit in the shade and wear cover ups. Two, how do you feel? After 7 cycles as much as I liked the idea of a holiday, I didn’t have the energy, I didn’t feel I looked great, definitely didn’t feel great but not everyone may feel that way. My taste buds too a while to recover too so I wasn’t enjoying eating and drinking too much. Third, infection. I wouldn’t want to risk my surgery date by getting ill and planes, airports, hotels felt risky. Once I’d had my chemo and surgery and recovered a bit I went on an amazing holiday, it was worth the wait. I went in between phesgo shots. But how I felt may be very different to you x

  • Hi Sarar 

    I had a few days away in the Cotswolds in August between chemo and radio (having had mastectomy and DIEP reconstruction in Jan 23). Fatigue was an issue and I couldn’t tolerate much heat or sun on my skin as it was hyper sensitive. I have just had a few days in the Canaries this month, having completed radio in September (so a while ago now). I felt more confident flying this far on - in terms of my resilience to all those fellow travellers’ germs! It was very restorative so if you feel you are up to it and can mitigate risk of infection by mask wearing, and your oncologist approves then do it! 

    best wishes

  • Hi Sarar, I flew to Dubai a few days after finishing chemo (I was on EC then weekly Paclitaxol) - I didn’t have any side effects so had the energy and took precautions. Travel insurance was very expensive but we went ahead anyway. It was amazing and was the first time in a long time I’d felt happy! Obviously talk to your oncology team as you have to confirm with insurer that you are not travelling against medical advice. Hope your treatments go well xx

  • Hi, my treatment was in 2021, so we were in and then coming out of COVID, so I must admit I felt ok about some travel as everyone as being super cautious and there was still much mask wearing etc.  We did a camping trip in between chemo sessions and two weeks in our motorhome just after surgery, which gave us the chance to get away but limit contact with others.

    I went to the US, for vacation/work only a few weeks after my radiotherapy finished, with the blessing of my lovely oncologist. My biggest fear was infection post radiotherapy so I took a thermometer and emergency antibiotics with me and was very diligent about signs of infection, but all was fine.  Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • Hi Sarar 

    Im also planning to go away with my family to the south of France a few months after finishing EC and Docetaxel. 
    My oncologist seemed happy with this but I need to check travel insurance. 
    Good point about sun, infection and generally feeling ok. Being with my little grandchildren is such a huge motivation for getting through chemo that I’m really hoping I’ll be ok. 
    I’ve already had surgery but don’t know when my radiotherapy will be yet.