Back pain in lung area after radiotherapy

  • 7 replies
  • 315 subscribers

I'm just coming up to 2 years since my radiotherapy ended.

I've had pain in lung area behind breast for ages now. I asked consultant 6 months ago if this could be from treatment. She didn't really discus it but sent me for CT scan. This came back with one sentence, no sign of any matatistic tumors.  

Since then I started getting breathless doing simply things. In the last month breathing has gotten really bad, I can hardly walk the length of myself without gasping. Doctor gave me antibiotics in case it was chest infection, no change. She thinks it's more like my lungs can't expand properly. Oxygen level at 93 today and can't get peak flow above 250.  Going for an xray on Wednesday. 

Has anyone else had anything like this. Any help would be greatfully received as I'm starting to get anxious of the outcome.

  • Hi Callygran, I haven't had this experience myself, but I just wanted to respond as I noticed your post hasn't had any comments yet.  It sounds a little frightening but good that the medical team are trying to get to the bottom of it. I hope you get some answers soon, best wishes

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  • Hi Callygran, I'm sorry to hear you're feeling anxious about this. Good that your GP is examining possibilities, that's reassuring. I am a little similar to you. I'm wondering whether to go to my GP or if I am just letting my fears and imagination get the better of me. Like you I am coming up for 2 years post surgery. Last year's scan was clear. Recently I have been feeling 'not right' and am lacking energy. Dry cough, sore behind my right armpit, sore chest, palpitations, tired eyes. I've had a slight cold so it could be down to that, and had covid in October. So my tiredness and everything could be post-viral, post-Christmas indulgence. I think it unlikely I have metastases since my cancer was stage 0 and I have faith it was removed, but part of me is anxious it could be a different cancer altogether and then I realise the anxiety itself is making me feel worse. I have to remember to breathe!

    I don't want to turn up at the GP and sound like I'm just making a fuss. So my plan is to give it a week. I have an unrelated (I hope!) Gynae app next week, so between now and then I'm going to note if my symptoms improve, remain or worsen. Also times of day I notice them etc.

    Having a plan is good for keeping my spirits up. Having a GP take you seriously is good. I guess your symptoms could have any number of causes and hopefully they will help you get to the bottom of things so you can feel better and less anxious soon. Keep us posted! 

  • Thanks Irishgirl16 and Sparkly bits.

    Got a chest xray today, so just have to wait on results.  Got home then got a call for my yearly mammogram tomorrow.

    Think your right SparklyBits, we let our imagination run away with us. Just never had problems with breathing before and it's getting I can't do anything without gasping. But don't worry about doc thinking your making a fuss, it's your body you know when things don't feel right.

  • I had rib pain and lower back pain, 2.5 years after original diagnosis. I got myself into a real tizz, convinced myself cancer had spread to bones!

    GP was good and sent me for X-ray and did bloods ..told me unlikely to be anything sinister. But I wasn’t really happy as pain in lower back was getting worse. Phoned BC nurse who made emergency referral to my wonderful consultant. She sent me for a nuclear bone scan and CT scan, 

    fortunately all clear and it was diagnosed as radiotherapy damage, which is just a long term side effect! As I’m no longer worried about it, the pain is better..still there but i can manage it. 

    so my advice is to phone your BC nurse and discuss. it’s probably nothing,but if it is something then you can get appropriate diagnosis. Good luck x

  • Thank you Cyprusfav, that's really interesting and helpful. Something to ask doc about. Could explain some of my rib tenderness. 

  • Xray came back showing fluid on my lung. Breathlessness is worse, ok if I stay seated doing nothing but terrible if I try to do anything.

    Was sent yesterday for another CT scan. Got call from hospital today to see someone tomorrow.  Fingers Fingers crossed tone1 but mind in overdrive. Thanks for all your replies .