exercise after right masectomy and now in chemo

  • 3 replies
  • 314 subscribers

Hi, had right breast unexpectedly removed mid october 2023, now in chemo, would love just to tone up my stomach and generally, dont need/want to go to a gym, cant see any guidelines for general sit ups, stomach crunches, etc, ae there any guidelines, advice, options out there that any one has tried without putting too much pressure on the body

thank you, just tryng to be positive ready for when the sun finally comes out and i am not hiding away under loose clothing

thank you

  • Hi w1cky

    i’m afraid I don’t know but I’m also interested. I had my RHS mastectomy in June followed by rads in August. I’ve been doing the standard stretches but still struggling with tightness underarm and across the scar. Sometimes it’s unbearable and I think it’s because I’ve over exerted myself. I’ve finally decided to go back to see my consultant as I don’t think I should still be sore and tight at this stage in my recovery. I expected to be felling pretty normal by now. Very disappointed.

  • Hi. I signed up for the NHS SafeFit trial before I started any treatment and exercised throughout chemo, before surgery, 6 weeks after RH MX/Node clearance and during radiotherapy. I tried to find the link to SafeFit but I think they must have either retired their original page or have web hosting problems. 

    The trial was heavily supported by CanRehab charity and their pages are still very much current. If you go to their menu on their website there is an option to register for support - I don’t know what this entails as I didn’t use this route but hoping you might find something helpful here.


    If you’re familiar with yoga, you might find Vicky Fox’s Sunday morning online Yoga for Cancer sessions useful;


    I’m 3 years post diagnosis and 2 years out from active treatment finishing and I still dip into these from time to time.

    Don’t forget that any level of walking is good for you, depending on how you’re feeling. I found it actually helped me feel better once I’d dragged myself out!

    Hope you find something that works for you xx

  • thank you all, thats really helpful, xx  at 3rd chemo tomorrow, so will see if the nurses have any suggestions as well