It's new and scary

  • 5 replies
  • 314 subscribers

I've just diagnosed with breast cancer ductal carcinoma invasive grade 2 last Monday,  I did my MRI and waiting thr treatment plan after PET scan next Monday,  but couldn't tell my family , or my young children they're 10 years and 13 years..just few friends...couldn't go to the work and feeling so confused....No question to ask but need some words to help 

  • Hi Chance -so sorry to hear your diagnosis.

    We are all in the same boat and this forum has helped us get through our own rollercoasters. I’m 2/3rd through my journey but I found that when I was first diagnosed the best thing for me was to keep busy - whether it was working or seeing friends. 

    Always try to take someone with you to your appointments for a second pair of ears and buy yourself a little notebook - that way you can write down any questions you want to ask or jot down what the consultants are telling you. Try not to google either as this will make you more anxious.

    Big hugs, Joules x

  • Thank you so much for your kind support Pray yes, having a note book will help....I'm so worried about my children and my mum when they figured out that 

  • You will know when the time is right to tell.  I’m sure there is somewhere on here about how’s the best way to tell the children - mine are in their early 20’s now and took the news in their stride.  Sometimes it helps to talk about what’s happening to help you come to terms with it as in reality the diagnosis does make you feel numb & like it’s a nightmare - I think this helps my husband too x

  • Hi please speak to you bc nurse, she gave me a lovely book called mummy lump, child friendly. I have a 1 year old and a daughter who just turned 9. Iv just started chemo yesterday. I can completely understand how you feel, this group has been amazing. Xxx 

  • Hi  , lovely replies already, just wanted to add my support. When you feel the time is right to tell your children, I’d also suggest letting their school know so that they can be supportive too. Mine were older but I’ve seen this mentioned before. Sending love and a big virtual hug. Most of us here felt more able to cope once they had a ‘plan’ and once treatment started. HFxxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi