It’s a good news day

  • 8 replies
  • 317 subscribers

Following lumpectomy 3 weeks ago, I went for my results today. Clear margins and no lymph involvement. So, only hormone therapy and a short course of radiation now. The Haematoma which developed following surgery remains resistant to draining so that may need surgery, but I can cope with that. Me & my hubby felt as though we’d won the lotto today. Might have a cheeky glass of wine to celebrate.  

  • Hi Jennand - That’s great news Blush - I hope your radiotherapy goes well - how many sessions are planned for you ? 

  • It's such a relief when you get that news. I had exactly the same result and also need radiotherapy and hormone therapy. 

    Really pleased for you xx

  • Hello Jennand,

    That sound good news. Slight smile What was your diagnosis? and when will you start radiotherapy?  Good luck with it all.

    I also had a lumpectomy three weeks ago. Mine was DCIS on right side, and the surgeon says it was all removed which is great, and I have a telephone consult with the oncologist tomorrow to see whether they advise radiotherapy or not.

    I have a few questions for her, but hadn't thought about radiotherapy going deepenough to affect other organs on the right side, (although there's quite a lot mentioned on the forums about the heart potentially getting some effects when it's left breast)

  • Just 5 ( I think) 

  • Almost the same for me except mine was invasive. I also have telephone consultation tomorrow with oncologist. Mine is left side so I’ll put it on my ask list about heart effects. Good luck Fingers crossed 

  • Hi pollyp and Jennand - when I had a telephone consultation for my radiotherapy I was told about these effects it could have on the heart - when they scan you they have a look to see how close your heart is to the area which needs to be zapped.  If there could be an issue you will be asked to do the Breath Hold Technique.  I was also given a website which covers this called and was set up by former bc patients x