Hi I’m having 4 cycles of Ac and 4 cycles of Docetaxel. Any advice thanks

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  • 315 subscribers

Hi Wave any advice much appreciated. Thanks 

  • Hello Storm rain,

     I had exactly the same treatment as yours and completed chemo in August. I’m hoping that you will not suffer many side effects. I lost my sense of taste felt slightly nauseous and occasional vomiting with AC. Take your anti sickness medication as prescribed, eat little but frequently if you feel nauseous or vomit. Remember that you must drink a lot of water to keep hydrated, for easy flow of blood during blood tests and must also try to hold your food down because your body will need the nourishment to be able to cope with the chemotherapy. Also be cautious about mixing with a lot of people especially during this winter when many people have cold or flu. Try to avoid catching any infections so that there will have no delays in your treatment. Because our immune system is not as strong as normal we get very ill when we catch any infection. And it only started as a sore throat. It meant extra needles as I was given 10 injections of filgrastim to increase my white blood cells.

     I have only one side effect from Docetaxel but the worst at its peak. I’m still suffering from peripheral neuropathy however it is improving. Sending my best wishes that you will cope well with chemotherapy. Take care.

  • Hi thank you so much for all the information. I’m dropping baby off to my sisters, then we’re going hospital for pre assessment and picc line. I couldn’t sleep See no evilSee no evilI pray you feel better soon and have a speedy recovery.HeartsHearts

  • I'm having 4 AC and 4 paclitaxol, every 2 weeks. The first AC made me really constipated and it took a lot of meds to sort it. Anti sickness changed for the second cycle and not as bad, but still needed meds. Worth having a plan in case you need it. My taste buds changed, nausea variable and easily tired the first week. I managed to go to a restaurant with some work colleagues and sat in the corner so I  wasn't too close to strangers - needed the psychological boost. Hair started coming out after 2 weeks and scalp sore, which is easing as I've taken the decision to cut it short. This is easier to control the shed and not as traumatic for me as the handful of hair when showering and combing. Frequent small meals are definately easier to manage in the first few days. That said, it hasn't been as bad as I expected, so far. I also recommend a short walk if you can manage it, but listen to your body. I was given a treatment record book which also has lots of information and tips. HTH

  • Thank you so much for all the useful information, really appreciate it. Il be reading the book they also gave me tomorrow. I pray the treatment goes smoothly and with less side effects as possible. See no evil had the pick line in today and pre assessment. Tomorrow I start chemo See no evil

  • Good luck for tomorrow. The first visit is daunting, but I'm sure you will have lovely people looking after you. 

  • Thank you so much, it really is See no evilI hope so. Hope you’re feeling ok? 

  • Thank you. I'm well today and looking forward to a good week.

  • I will include you in my prayers. Hope all will be well for you. Take care 

  • Thank you so much xxx

  • I’m so glad to hear Hearts