Starting to get the old me back? Any ideas?

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  • 321 subscribers

I have just finished 4 rounds of EC and 12 of Paxlitaxol which was over 6 months. I was diagnosed with breast cancer , underwent a lumpectomy and node removal and although it was in my lymph nodes I was told I was cancer free and the chemo was preventative for any other cells in my body. 

I start my 19 sessions of Radiotherapy in a few days and then tamoxifen and an injection. Also have a gene test to get in next few weeks.

I am struggling to have any motivation at all. All I want to do is sit and wallow and although I know that's not right, I can't seem to break the cycle. I don't have a great deal of support. All I do is cry everytime I try speak about it, and to be honest cry all the time for no reason. 

I don't know how to move forward and am scared as my mood is going further down every day. 

Any ideas to break this cycle of self pity?

  • Sorry you feel like this Trucker777. It’s hard - all you’ve been through. The winter months don’t help. Have you thought about maybe volunteering or joining a local group for those in a similar situation. Sometimes you just need someone to talk to, someone who understands what you’ve been through. Force yourself to get out, speak to others, even if it’s just about the weather!  A smile goes a long way. You’ll get through this - you’ll have bad days and some not so bad days. Make plans for the future, treat yourself to something nice. Xx

  • Hi  I have just been diagnosed with breast cancer .. I totally understand how you feel although I have not been through any treatment yet .. I also do not have a lot of support but I would love to support you anytime if you want to talk . So please do not feel alone hope you have a good sleep tonight x

  • Hi Trucker777 - sorry to hear you are feeling low x

    my hospital has given me a leaflet - it’s a course run my MacMillan called Hope and is an online 6 week course - perhaps it may help ?

    I hope your radiotherapy goes well - I’m at the same stage as you and have 15 sessions soon as I’m having my CT planning scan a week on Tuesday,

    I shall be taking Letrozole though and having 6 monthly infusions of Zoledronic Acid.

    Try to keep busy, make plans and remember you can do it as you’ve managed to get through this so far xx

  • give yourself some time, treatment isn’t over, you don’t need to be the old you anytime soon. i cry a lot too, its been prettyfreaking traumatising this whole thing, and soon it will be over and we will have new things to face,

    what i recommend is you call macmillan and ask for some help, help to talk, or to find a group who you can speak to about this. i have found people who have been here or doing similar treatments helped me feel less alone. hugs a place where i can speak a out how crap i am feeling without someone saying, it will get better. we all certainly freaking hope so!

    to break the cycle i recommend the above macmillan, and trying to focus on one good thing a day, be it, a little less achy, a bird you see outside, a sentence in a book that made you feel better even if for a moment. i read a book recently and the character talked about how they didnt want to socialise, they wanted to curl up in front of a fire with a nice cup of coffee, and I thought, yes, that! just that! with no other commitments.

    am ihappy every day, no, but i try to remember it is my choice to pick up the sad thoughts each day or i can let them stay put and look later if needs be,

    we all have our emotional baggage and its our choice to carry it every day or let it sit in the basement and see what today brings, we can always go back if we want to examine it or not. hugs

  • i am on my last 5, good luck with yours hugs, moisturise and water i have found work for me,one day a tad pukey, drank more water

  • Thanks - I’d heard the more fluids you drink the better your body copes Blush

    Good luck with your final 5 xx

  • Hi  , lovely replies already from the fine folks here , just wanted to add my support and a big hug. I would echo the suggestions to reach out for help, it’s what we’re generally not too good at as I think lots of us are more used to propping others up and glossing over our own issues. Please do contact MacMillan or another cancer support group. I found the maggies centre at Addenbrookes a year after I’d finished rads and it was such a relief to be somewhere where I didn’t feel I had to pretend that I was ok. It’s really fine to not be ok, and I think allowing that admission is the start of working out where to go from there. I’m hopefully attaching a link to an article which I’ve found useful over the years. It’s entitled ‘after treatment finishes’ but I think it’s useful at any stage. I regard myself as still in treatment anyway as I’m taking Anastrozole. Sending love and a big virtual hug, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Me again! I have also found this organisation very helpful - it’s based in London but has online stuff too. I’ve been to 2 sessions in person as I’m not too far away but plenty of stuff online as well. Xxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Give yourself a break. You aren’t at the end of your treatment yet - done great so far - don’t feel guilty about being sad or not being motivated- it takes time. As the other contributors have said - take joy from small things, even if it’s rubbish on tv.

    A walk makes a huge difference even if it’s not far. 

    Having your radiotherapy will keep you busy , the team I had were amazing- they will get you through.

    Your mind and body both need time to heal- it’s a big deal we’ve been through.

    Talk to people if you can find a local group. This forum is full of helpful people- it makes a huge difference.


  • Hi i have also just been diagnosed, I'm triple negative and waiting for treatment plan and surgery. Its 3 weeks away and every single pain i have has me questioning is it the cancer. Hope we can all support each other. Difficult to speak with family as they are all scared and worried.