Ec chemo

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  • 316 subscribers

Hi I had my first EC chemo on Tuesday and am struggling today. My husband isn't coping and is getting angry with the kids. I know he has a lot to do. I feel awful, didn't expect this first cycle. I tried to work but nausea, tiredness ,brain fog made it so hard. Today I am tired and nausea and feel I am wasting time doing nothing.  There is such a long way to go yet and so many more treatments to come. Will the side effects get worse each time? Not sure how to get through this 

  • Evening Teddy5 - Sorry to hear you’re feeling rubbish today.  I had EC for 3 sessions and then a further 3 on Docetaxel- with both I found I had a similar pattern with feeling ok for a few days and then on day 3/4 I would feel rubbish for a couple of days.  

    You need to listen to your body and rest.  Were you given enough anti-sickness tablets - if so please take them as there is nothing worse than feeling nauseous all the time.

     I know it’s early days for you but you’ll get through this - the time will fly by quickly and before you know it you will be finished - I finished mine 2 weeks ago and thought 18 weeks would take forever !

    I hope you start to feel better soon x

  • Hi   my story is on my profile click on my name to read if you wish .

    I had 6 cycles of EC I can only say what my experience was as we are all different .

    i found that keeping a diary of symptoms helped me to see the cycle of 21 days .Day 1 being day of infusion . Steroids are given with infusion and I was given some to take at home along with anti nausea meds .

    When steroids wear off you tend to crash a bit so feel worse for day or two . Take anti nausea meds even if you feel ok prevention is far better than trying to cure . 
    It took  approx  ten days for body to start recovery from infusion and my immune system to start building up again .Using diary can help you plan around Side effects also to let team know how you are .

    your team will be able to provide meds for the irritating SE like mouth ulcers etc make sure you mention everything new they want you to be as comfortable as poss .

    It helps to keep yourself hydrated as chemo dehydrates you inside and out so lots of fluids and moisturiser 

    Most important is to listen to body rest when needed but make sure you fit in a walk no matter how short ….to bottom of garden and back ,eat little and often keep small treats in fridge . Using the diary you will be able to plan some time to enjoy treats such as days out etc I used to go to our caravan in Cumbria .

    You will get thru this not easy but doable if you read my profile you will see I have had a long treatment process but still here will be 5 years in June since diagnosis . 
    hope things improve for you 

    One step at a time and ...Breathe !
  • Thanks for this advice Joules52  Glad to hear you’ve come through it and can look back at everything you’ve been through  

    Im due to start the same chemo drug pattern as you had. I’m really feeling anxious about all the side effects. 
    luckily I have a supportive husband and no children at home so I can only imagine how difficult this must be. 
    I’ll remember to take the anti sickness tabs. 

  • Sending hugs Teddy5

    Im sure you’ll manage really well. 
    I hope you start to feel less tired and sick next week 

  • Thank you for much. This is so helpful and has made me feel much better. I am recording everything and have started taking the extra nausea tablets rather than trying to get on without them. Just didn't expect to feel this bad the first time round. I swap to D after 3 cycles of EC so expect the side effects might be slightly different then 

  • I didn’t get any nausea with D - i had aches with this one and my fingernails hurt like someone had put a hammer to them and bruised them.  I also had chemo burns on my hands like I’d been constantly touching a hot oven.  A tip for when you change over keep with you always hand creme and lip salve - didn’t matter how much water I drank my hands & lips where constantly dry !

  • Don’t expect to be able to do what you’re used to doing. Some days you can and some you might not be up to it, but it doesn’t matter. You are getting the treatment you need.

    You can count down your treatments as you get used to the process, it goes faster once you have your routine established.

    Be kind to yourself. Your husband is probably worrying about you and is having a change of role ! Keep talking and you’ll get there.

    Keeping the diary really helps, if it’s a bad day you can write it down!

    Ginger biscuits really help with nausea.


  • Hi Kaza1 - I hope your chemo goes ok. Like you the unknown made me anxious too  - once you’ve had one session you might feel a bit calmer. Just ensure you take all the meds they give you even if you think you don’t need them in the first couple of days and drink lots of fluid to help flush all those toxins out.

    Glad you’re husband is being supportive - make sure he’s your nurse for a few days and rest well - don’t overdue things as I did after my first session as I ended up back in bed !

    Take care x

  • Hi Joules 52

    Thats very good advice. I will make sure to have all the meds though I’m not keen on having Filgrastim injections for 7 days.
    I had a look round the chemo unit today when I had my oncologist appointment and ECG so I feel much happier now I’ve seen where to go. Everyone was really kind and helpful. It’s just the unknown and being out of control that was making me really anxious. 
    I’ll tell my husband what you say Laughing- he’s actually very good nurse so I’ll be well looked after but I’ll make sure to rest. Poor you ending back in bed.

    Thanks again x

  • My husband would tell me off too if he thought I was overdoing things Rofl

    The injections were a bit stressful at first - it doesn’t hurt but I don’t like jabs - I just pinched my belly area and braved it as it’s all over within a minute !

    it’s so much nicer looking around the chemo unit and gives you some piece of mind & familiarity - the nurses are so nice in there always smiley/jokey !  You will also find some of the patients in there will chat 10 to the dozen others just don’t.