Prosigna testing

  • 5 replies
  • 314 subscribers

Morning all

can anyone comment on the testing? What’s your personal experiences? Would you recommend or leave it?

thank you all 

  • Hi Cutie

    I can’t comment on the testing but I noticed you haven’t had any answers test so I thought I’d reply to you to move you to the top of the discussion. Hopefully someone will be along shortly with an answer for you.

    Best wishes


    Community Champion Badge

  • Morning Cutie

    My initial diagnosis was 30mm mass in right breast so I had a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy in September to be followed by 5 days of radiotherapy.  I met my consultant 6 weeks later and he confirmed they had got all the cancer with no spread to lymph nodes but that it was aggressive stage 3 so had sent it for the Prosignia test.  

    Prosigna were running a study on how best to deliver information about the testing so I got involved in that and watch a video about what they did and how the results were relayed via the Oncologist.  

    I met with my Oncologist in early November.  She said that the scoring was: under 40 no chemotherapy, 41 - 60, advisable and 61+ no brainer!   My score came in at 58!  To have chemo, or not, considering I was cancer FREE!  After many sleepless nights I decided to go with the Oncologist's advice and now on round 2 of 6 EC chemo followed by 5 weeks radiotherapy.  

    If your consultant recommends you have the Prosignia test, I would go for it.  Not all Trusts will fund this as it is very expensive.  We all want to have the best chance of beating this sh** cancer so throw everything at it is my advice.  

    Good luck with any decision you make - it will be the right one for you.  

    JPP xx

  • Thank you for advice hon Pray tone1 just curious on how much this would be if you paid private?

  • Hiya, finally had my appt today with my Consultant, my lump was 30mm in size and I’ve been given the all clear and margins with no lymph nodes affected Pray tone1 

    they are doing the Progsigna test and should be back very soon - i am ER/P/R positive and HER2 negative also.

    im hoping it will be radiation Pray tone1 fingers crossed Fingers crossed 

    Hope Your feeling well and good also x