Totally overwhelmed

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  • 314 subscribers

I was diagnosed with invasive lobular breast cancer that has spread to my lymph nodes in October 23. This had been missed on several mammograms and scans but was identified on an mri. I have coped pretty well with my diagnosis and surgery (2 weeks ago) but feel I'm keeping everyone buoyant by saying I'm fine, don't worry, sorry to upset you!! I definitely survive by burying head a little. I have a supportive husband (pessimistic) 4 grown up kids (who are struggling a little) and an elderly mum (devastated) and great friends etc

I recently have felt quite a lot of anger at it being missed and my diagnosis, although coming off hrt suddenly has possibly not helped

But....I've just been feeling so unwell. Exhausted, night temperatures, low immunity which has mystified the consultants gp etc Yesterday I was admitted to the ambulatory ward for many tests as they say my treatment (radiotherapy, hormone and most probably chemo) can't go ahead with me being unwell. I've been put on medication to bring my fever down which are making me feel more tired and dizzy. I'm trying so hard to keep everything and everyone going but have reached the point when i just want to sit and cry. How are we meant to cope with all of this? They're now looking at possibly other malignancies although my scans are clear. I'm dreading chemo but now looking like I won't tolerate it...seems never ending

My heart goes out to everyone going through their own unique experience and thank you if anyone takes the time to read this....I know there are no magic solutions maybe just typing this out and admitting my feelings is therapeutic to a certain extent 


  • Hi 

    I had spread to a lymph node having previously not shown. Was only when I had sentinel node biopsy that it showed.

     It's all been a nightmare for me. Terrible lows and feel like I'll never be the same again.

     I'm nearly though chemotherapy having had mastectomy.

     I'm sorry I'm not the most positive person as I'm really struggling so much but just wanted you to know you're not alone in this.

     I'm sure someone will come alone to be a little more positive with advice but in the meantime I'm sending you a hug xxx

  • Hi, thanks for your honest reply and I'm so sorry to hear that you are having a tough time with it all. As you say, we're not alone in this and it's just really hard...especially on a dark day.

    Hopefully we will look back on this horrendous period as something we got through.....sending hugs back xx

  • Hi Sue

    I like this site as it helps me feel less alone. Hope you're ok x

  • FormerMember

    There are probably many of us on here who have missed diagnosis for one reason or another. I had mammogram in 2013 which showed calcifications  (pre curser to cancer) but no follow up so I was not perturbed. Had furtger mammograms in 2015, then in 2018 both showed absolutely nothing! In Dec 2021 I discovered tiny lump, went to GP between Xmas and NY.  She said “it’s not a tiny lump, it’s a mass!” Now tracked and in Jan 2022 I was told I have Stage 3 BC.p! Contacted department who did all the mammograms in sheer frustration. Spoke to a clinical matron who asked if I wanted to come in and discuss but I decided not worth it.  Also spoke to GP who said they had same info/letters as I did. I do now understand that mammogram don't always pick up everything BUT I feel they should have followed up with a biopsy in 2013. .9 years I’ve obviously living with the big C!  I’m over it now but I hear/feel your pain xxxxx

  • I think it's really hard when you feel it's been missed but you're right there are a lot of us who have been. I get the feeling that the consultants also find it hard when they've missed it as I guess they want to cure us all. My consultant said that they've looked over my previous (annual) images and it wasn't visible. Interestingly I had calcifications pointed on my mammograms but didn't even know that it was a possible problem! 

    I'm trying to focus on dealing with it now and to try and move forward but I do feel frustrated that I went to my consultant with an enlarged lymph node 18 months ago and they said 'nothing to worry about' so I didn't. If only they had said we will check it again in a few months...but they didn't. 

    wishing you all the best xx

  • I originally had a referral in Nov’22 due to my breast shrinking - the hospital just said that it was loss of fat and I was sent home.  The mammogram and ultra sound did show calcification too.  5 months later I noticed a lump under my armpit and referred back - the consultant took one look and said it wasn’t right. Had a mx in July with full clearance - the shrinkage was due to the tumour eating up my breast tissue - the mass was 100mm and 16/18 lymphs were contaminated ! 
    I do play it back in my mind too and wonder if I should have demanded a biopsy in Nov, but you can’t go back and change the past can we so I try to stay positive and cope the best I can.

    I hope you get start to feel a bit better so that you can get through this rollercoaster of a journey x