Back again...

  • 2 replies
  • 313 subscribers

Hey everyone, 

I hope your all doing as we as you can be in the big C club x 

I'm back....not really where I thought so soon to be 

It has been 18 month's since my breast biopsy, 14 month's since being discharged with the all clear. Why 4 Months on I was still being looked after by the cancer hospital?? 

Well my biopsy didnt go great, I had an internal bleed, site infection and internal damage mainly effecting the Lymphnodes on my best chest near my I had to stay under the team for a while and was told this is going to be an issue now! This will take long long time to heal. 

Over the past year i have had the odd swell, due to carrying shopping...sigh. 

Then November 2023 I noticed a more permante swell in my nodes, decide to just watch and monitor 

Then it changed, i started feeling very itchy, night sweats and a cough that hasn't gone in 8 weeks. 

The day before Christmas Eve...boom...i could feel swelling happening under my jumper...that tingle then ache. 

My lymphnode is now swollen, painful and not going away and is now sticking out more from my chest armpitt area. 

So off to the GP on the 2nd I went, all was not right! It feels like an infection...but the GP refused any treatment. 

My 5 year old was present, and she just said i can't throw around certain words and smiled at me. I say yes of course my daughter, oh! 

So i am now on the 2 week pathway refferal back to Cancer hospital land, to see what is going on & possible biopsy again..great i did soo well from the last one. 

Im not gutted or awfully sad or scared this time round, I think i kind of know what it could be as it's lymphnodes but god I do hope it isn't breast cancer. Not after being told I had a benign tumor! 

I will be very cross if it is, 18 months has gone by!!! 

I do feel lymphoma H is more where this can be heading now, and if so...the biopsy injuries caused it. 

I am not happy, this should not be going on 18 months later. Its effecting my work, I can't earn for my family overall I feeling pretty pissed at the hospital that damaged me. 

I'm back to not sleeping again with the subcon worry i guess i am worried, i guess im abit gutted. 

But I am not scared! I can do this...

Sorry it's abit of a moan sarcastic post, that's just me feeling fed up & trying to laugh at myself. 

  • Hi  , sorry to hear you’re back in investigation land, waiting for tests and appointments. I hope they come quickly and you can have a better idea re what you’re dealing with. It’s such a horrible ‘limbo’  time. Never apologise for moaning here, it’s the one place where you can really say it as it is and feels! Keep posting, rant and rave all you like or ask questions. Hope your referral is very soon. Sending love and a big virtual hug, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Thank you for your kind words and also taken the time out of your journey for a complete stranger x 

    I had to go back to the GP today, my swelling got worse and I'm in a lot pain. 

    He's diagnosed me with non lactal mastitus, placed me on amtibiotucs with instructions A&E if it worsens. 

    But He said yes you have to go to the Rapid diagnosis centre on the 18th. 

    Gutted! I'm really hoping it's just a fluke infection from trauma,  and then if it's not. I had a Ca125 7 months ago clear and blood work done 6 months ago, which showed i was fit as a super pony competing in the olympics. 

    So if it not the news i want, it can't be longer that 5 month's ive had it. 

    Clinging on to that hope x