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The day after my lumpectomy 2 weeks ago, I developed a Haematoma. At about 6 inches circumference, it is bigger than my tumour. I thought I dealt with the fallout of my diagnosis quite well, but I’m actually having more anxiety with the Haematoma. The plan is either - wait for it to reabsorb, but could take months: see if it liquidises & try to drain it, or surgical removal under anaesthesia. I’m stressing that waiting for it to reabsorb could delay the radiotherapy, there’s no indication that it is liquidising yet & that leaves surgery. Results not in yet on the margins so might be a moot point if I have to have a 2nd surgery anyway, but I wish it hadn’t happened. 

  • Hi, I also developed a haematoma the day after my surgery. It was very sore and bruised looking. When i got my results I was told I needed a second surgery as one of the margins wasn't clear, and that they would remove the haematoma at the same time. My recovery has been much better this time, and I haven't had another haematoma. 

    I hope it gets resolved one way or the other for you. Good luck for your results! X

  • Hi, your story is very similar. My BCN got me in to see my surgeon yesterday & he had a go at another drainage but no success. He said it’s the consistency of toothpaste. He’s now leaning more towards surgery. Have to go next week for my results so I’m sure a plan will be decided then. Did they put a drain in after your 2nd op? 

  • Hi  , sorry you’re having the haematoma issue on top of everything else. I also had a large haematoma after my lumpectomy. The clinic monitored it and it did eventually sort itself out with no intervention. My radiotherapy was delayed anyway by the wait for an oncology appointment and then Christmas and New Year, so in the end it started 10 weeks after my op. At that time (5 years ago) it was usual to start rads 6-8 weeks post op. I was anxious about the gap but glad for the extra healing time. I hope you get your results soon and a decision re whether they need to take more action re the haematoma. It’s horrible to be thrown back into ‘limbo land’ when you don’t know what’s next. Sending love and a gentle virtual hug, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Hi, my haematoma has suddenly reduced significantly almost overnight. It's nearly 6 weeks since my lumpectomy and this has stalled my recovery so far as I was in pain. 

    Hopefully yours will go on it's own without intervention. I'm sure mine disappeared because I started sleeping on my side again ( couldn't sleep on my back) I wake up on my lumpectomy side with a bit of discomfort but nothing else.

    Good luck with your recovery xx

  • I think the whole process is frustrating because you just feel as though you’re not in control. Hopefully, it will resolve on its own. 

  • Tash, I started sleeping on my side after 10 days. I inadvertently just gravitated to that side whilst I was asleep. Still using a cushion in the car under my seatbelt though. 

  • Sorry to hear your haematoma isn't resolving. Mine felt really uncomfortable, so it was a relief to get it sorted. No, I didn't have a drain put in for either op. 

    Good luck for your results next week, let me know how you get on x

  • Hi jenand  I also have a heamotoma  . Mine is a result of a bleed following my radical nephrectomy in Sept   the heamotoma  measured over 7cm and is still there nearly four months  later but   it is shrinking and a lot less painful  . They do often take a long time to reasorbe i was told but be reasured they do shrink i hope yours  doesnt hold up any treatment you need . Im on immunotherapy now  and that went ahead without delay  so fingers crossed  for you yours will  . All my best wishes l . 

  • I developed one after a round of biopsies, it delayed my surgery but did go down on it’s own although did take about 4 weeks