Picc line chemo

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Hi all I’m so scared of having a picc line and starting chemotherapy next week, 8 cycles. Once every 3 weeks. Any advice is most welcome. My babies are keeping me goingSee no evil sorry for sounding so silly….See no evil

  • Hi,

    You don't sound silly at all. I had a PICC inserted just before my first session. My veins are not great and because of my mastectectomy, I have only 1 accessible vein, which I'm wanting to save. Picc goes in much easier than a port, so the best choice for me and not that uncomfortable a procedures. It is a bit annoying until you get used to it, but I'm hoping will he much easier when new covers arrive tomorrow. The ones I got from amazon have a bit too much pressure for my liking. The weekly trip for a dressing change and flush is a bit of a nuisance, but chemo is a breeze from an access point of view. I hope that's reassuring.

  • Hi LucyD thank you so much for your reply, the covers for the picc line does the hospital provide that? Or do we have to purchase it separately. No idea what to google or where to get it from. How aSee no evil you getting on with chemotherapy? Hope it’s going well as it can be. Thank you again, I have a needle phobia See no evilso I always bring emla cream with me. 

  • I had to buy mine. The nurse who put the PICC in gave me a leaflet from a company, but you can get them online. The ones I've ordered from annabandana were about £2.50 each and lots of colour choices. I can't remember the price of the ones on amazon. They are fine, but I  need something to help prevent the cap and clamp pushing into my arm - it is likely that I need the next size up. You will also need a waterproof cover for the shower. I got mine on amazon. It's a tight fit, but I cut a bit off the upper arm bit to make it more comfortable and it is good now.

    I just searched PICC covers

  • Thank you so much for all the information, it’s really helpful, do you think I should wait till next week or order it b4? 

    • Hi - I had a picc line fitted & so far so good. The procedure itself wasn't too bad & after the first night I haven't had a problem sleeping at all. I have my dressing changed on the ward once a week but the district nurses can also do it. I have a piece of tubi grip to cover it  but she suggested a clean cut up soft sock. The treatment itself is much easier. I use a shower protector which I bought on Amazon. I tried cling film but it's difficult to do one handed. Overall it's fine. I probably would like to do pilates when I feel up to it ,& it leaves you a bit limited for things like that. 
  • I am currently on cycle three of eight and the nurses keep recommending I have a PICC line as I don’t like needles and apparently my veins are rubbish already…..

    However the through of having the PICC line inserted makes me feel physically sick!  I don’t like the idea of having something essentially hanging out of me and I have two young kids and a bouncy dog who might bang in to it?!

    I already had one appointment to have it done and wimped out - I would make things easier in terms of not having issues with cannulas BUT I would need to go back in every week to have it flushed and dressed which is a pain as we live half hour away from the hospital and once my chemo goes to three weekly, it means two additional trips.

  • I'd measure and order before. I did have some net bandage I used for the first few days, but I wouldn't recommend it. I got a piece of bandage from the ward when they flushed it last week,which is doing the job until the new ones arrive. It's up to you really, but it was a practical thing I could tick off and kept me occupied for a bit.

  • Thank you so much, did you need to take any meds after you had it done? 

  • Gosh I know what you mean, I have a 1 year old and 8 year old See no evilso I can definitely imagine pulling of some sortSee no evil that’s the prob I live about 45min away from the hospital aswell. How are you getting on with the treatment? Hopefully it’s going well, if you’re worried about having it done, can they not put you to sleep? 

  • Thank you I’m going to search on line.