Feeling of breast post surgery

  • 8 replies
  • 317 subscribers


I had a lumpectomy and SNB on 14 December and tonight I've noticed that my breast "feels different" to the way it did before. 

I've always regularly checked my breasts for lumps and I know it's not long since my surgery, and there's probably going to be a lot of scar tissue in there, but how do we know what's "normal" now? 

I hope I'm making sense ?

Thanks everyone xx

  • Hi Mumpsy welcome to the forum. It us too early to tell what your breast is going to look or feel like as you still have a lot of healing to do yet. If at any point in time you ever feel uncertain then don't hesitate to visit the nurse at your gp practice and ask them to examine you and they will  hopefully be able to put your mind at rest. It's very difficult as I like you always checked my breast but my lump was deep inside my breast tissue and only got picked up on mammogram. They will be keeping an eye on you and you will be having yearly mammograms for 5 years after your surgery. Xxx


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  • Thank you. 

    Yes, mine was also picked up on my mammogram. It's so hard isn't it xx

  • Hi. I’ve had the same 3 weeks ago and the anxiety is killing me!  I’ve noticed today that I have a little lump at the injection site for the nuclear fluid which I think is probably normal but then a line/lump from there up to where my lymph node was removed under my arm.  How are we supposed to know what’s okay and what’s not   How does your breast feel different if you don’t mind me asking.  My scar is across the top of my breast because the lump was at the top and very deep. It’s definitely the lymph node scar that’s the worst though xx

  • My breast feels different in that I can feel harder bits in there that I know were not there before. I'm guessing it's most probably scar tissue as it's only been a little over a fortnight since I had the lumpectomy.  And yes I agree, the lymph node is by far the most painful. I have a very neat and barely noticeable scar around my areola. The cancer wasn't there, it was further up, but the surgeon explained that that's where he made the incision so as to make the scarring less obvious. 

  • Hi Mumpsy

    I had lumpectomy and SLNB in Nov and have had a seroma which was drained.  But now on the outer side of my left breast, alongside where the incision was made, I have a large hardish lump. It’s not painful but can be uncomfortable. I guess it’s scar tissue but I thought it would have subsided a bit by now. 

    I’ve got good mobility in my arm and shoulder and otherwise healing well so I don’t know if this is to be expected. 

    I’m going to call my breast care nurse next week just to check before I start chemo. 
    I still have a blue nipple too! 

  • Oh bless you. Yes, I have a sore little lump next to my SNB scar it's very sore and tender. I've got fairly good mobility in my arm. I want to go back to pilates class next week so hope I have a bit better range by then xx

  • Hi everyone,

    I am really new to this site, so don’t know if you get notifications or alerts to see my post - but it has been really interesting to read your comments. How are you feeling? I hope more healing has happened for everyone on this thread?

    I had lumpectomy and SNB on 10th Feb (11 days ago when writing this) and have lots of questions. My follow up appointment is not for another 3 weeks and a call I made to the breast care nurse left me feeling sad, as my worries were not really understood.

    I have pain running down my arm from my armpit to my elbow and sometimes beyond. Is this usual? I also have pain around my shoulder blade, where some of my skin is numb but some is hypersensitive and feels very sore. Does this settle and improve too?

    I know it is really early days, and I am working hard to keep the exercises going. I have good range of movement, but I wasn’t really expecting the areas that I’ve mentioned to be the problem. Ironically the wound on my breast is barely noticeable - there is a definite lump there, but I know this must be the healing process.

    lots of love to everyone, and sorry to jump on this thread with my questions …..

  • Hi Lavender_Lou

    sorry to hear you’re having this problem and hope the pain eases. 
    I didn’t have that happen but I think doing the exercises is very important. Also if you’re worried you should contact your breast care nurse again and ask for more advice or the MacMillan nurses. 
    Hope it eases soon and sending hugs Hugging