Paget’s disease

  • 3 replies
  • 317 subscribers

Hi I’m a month into surgery for Paget’s disease. Caught it in time. No chemo needed but had removal of nipple and surrounding area. Starting radiotherapy next week. No chemo or medication needed. Am I ok to use deodorant and which one is safest to use.  
thank you all for reading. This x

  • Hi, I'm sorry I can't answer your question directly as I am not sure, but I noticed you haven’t had any replies yet.  My post will bump you back to the top and hopefully someone with the right experience will be along soon.   Did you also know you can call Macmillan to chat to the lovely folks there. The number is 0800 808 0000. Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • Hi hope you don’t mind me asking …how are you doing now? I’m having my surgery in a weeks time sounds the same as yours removal of nipple, areola and down to chest wall. I’m really nervous as to be expected, I’ve not spoken to anyone who has been through it, it fact I haven’t spoken to anybody who has heard of Paget’s of the breast!

    Hope you have recovered well now. 
    Hugs Eddie