
  • 5 replies
  • 315 subscribers

I have already had breast cancer twice and just had another biopsy of a new lump. The results were negative which had me jumping for joy after fearing the worst. However, this euphoric relief only lasted about a day and now I am back to brooding and feeling scared again. I try to think positive but I feel as though I have to fight off some dark evil trying to mess things up for me. It's such a drain. Apart from that my husband is busy arranging a holiday now that I 've been given a green light. My few friends who shared my anxiety have also gone into party mode. Is there something wrong with me? Why can't I enjoy this relief and look forward? Does anyone else feel like that?  My next CT is scheduled for November and I'm already anxious. Would be good to hear your comments. Xxxx

  • Hi, I’m sorry to read of your experiences. And maybe that’s just it. They are your experiences of former diagnosis, treatment, and subsequent fears of recurrence. Whilst other people have gone through it with you, only you were at the centre of it. I do sometime wonder if some of us later experience some kind of PTSD, which can trigger us. Maybe this incident has been a triggering event. I believe that there is a MacMillan helpline where you can talk through these feelings with someone. There is nothing wrong with you .. you are normal. Xx

  • Hi, the phone number for MacMillan is 0800 800 0000. The lovely folks there are ever so happy to chat though anything really, so definitely worth giving them a call. Best wishes 

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  • Hello, I do empathise with you. It's not surprising that you feel so anxious! It's a normal reaction to abnormal circumstances. Your husband must be so happy and relieved that you've been given the 'geen light.' Party mode? People react very differently,  it doesn't mean you're  lacking at all! Take Heart️ it will pass. It has too. Nothing ever stays the same. X x 

  • Thanks for all your replies. Kate, you're right. Nothing stays the same. I am trying to concentrate on the good things like our holiday for instance. It's such a privilege to be able to spend good times together, especially since I know that this can't be taken for granted any more. All the more reason to cherish the moment. Hugs xx

  • After my own health scares, the relief of good news sometimes felt fleeting, overshadowed by lingering anxiety. It's tough battling those dark thoughts, but it doesn't mean something's wrong with you. It's just part of the journey. When I was going through a similar phase, connecting with a compassionate psychologist in San Antonio truly helped me navigate these feelings. Sometimes, having someone to talk to can make all the difference. You're not alone in feeling this way, and it's okay to seek support during these uncertain times.