Did I make the wrong choice post mastectomy

  • 35 replies
  • 301 subscribers

Only 2 days to go for removal and replacement of hardened reconstructed implant due to radiotherapy. Plus uplift.  3 hour surgery no lifting 6/12 weeks (seems a bit OTT).  7 out of 14 lymph nodes cancerous after mastectomy - I will never know if I made the right choice.

  • Bless you, nobody will ever know whether we make the right choice, but thinking of you. 
    I think the no lifting is sensible as you’ll have a bilateral surgery. I was told nothing heavier than a minimally filled kettle with my ‘good’ arm. 

    hugs xxx


  • Hi. so difficult to know as we can’t predict the future, but perhaps try to take comfort from the fact that you've followed the expert advice and given yourself the best chance of no further spread. I think it's so hard to be given these choice, I'd much rather someone just told me what to do.   Good luck with your recovery, I hope it goes well 

    Community Champion badge

  • Hi   I hope that by now you’re through it all and are resting up, getting over the anaesthetic. Please let the team do what’s needed, don’t try to rush around. A general anaesthetic takes up to 3 weeks for the drugs to totally leave your system.

    Sending gentle hugs xxx


  • Just home after a 2 night stay in hospital.  Replacement implant after mastectomy.  Uplift on other side.  New implant on mastectomy site quite painful under arm and ribs.  Quite a lot of bruising as well.  Back to surgeon in 6 days to take off dressings.  So round 2 of breast recovery 12 weeks no lifting.  Can’t even take the dog out.  Hey ho time to binge tv.  Best wishes to everyone.  xx

  • Thank you Moomy - as you can see I have brain fog - posting to no-one x

  • Glad you’re home, take it steady! But do those exercises carefully!  Be kind to yourself now….

    Hugs xxx


  • Moomy Thank you so good to hear from people who understand! xx

  • Hello Irishgirl16. Thank you for responding.  As I said to Moomy it’s good to hear from people who understand.  I expect I shall be back with the AWAKES over the next few weeks. xx

  • Best wishes for a speedy and pain free recovery from surgery - enjoy the TV time 

    Community Champion badge

    • Thank you Moomy - it’s good to be able to use this forum and even better when people respond!  I’ll have plenty of time to check out AWAKE - well with half a kettle I can water the houseplants Tulip