Docetaxel Side Effects

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I had my first Docetaxel  chemo last Wednesday 8th June. I've  got Diarrhoa, stomach cramps,joint pain in legs and back not to mention tingling in my fingers and toes. I was wondering  how others have coped with these side effects. Does the tingling go after a few days? I just feel so tired all the time. Because I'm  sleeping more during the day, sleeping at night is nonexistent. I've  got 2 more Docetaxel  chemo left and dreading them. Xx

  • Hel39, can I ask you how long your loss of taste lasts for. It's  been 2 weeks and my sense of taste hasn't come back yet. 1 more week and last dose of chemo. So fed up. Everything tastes bland. It's  getting me down now.

  • Hi, it was only about ten days each round but my mouth has gotten more sore and reactive with each round.  I likewise have last one next week.

    have you tried ice lollies…I find the Tesco lemonade ones really help. 

    hope all goes well with your last round and your taste is back soon. I feel for you as the ten days I can’t taste are just horrid- I don’t even like water those days. That chemical smell everything has is just indescribable to anyone who hasn’t been through this. Xx

  • Hi mand . I experienced the loss of taste thing during the 5th cycle (which was my 3rd Docetaxal) and it continued during the 6th cycle (I had 4 of D). In the end I used to have a ready made Co-op curry meal most days, as that was the only thing I could taste. Everything else was like chewing cardboard. For me, the taste buds returned quite quickly post chemo. I had surgery exactly one week after the last day of cycle 6, and I remember that we all got given fish and chips in hospital the next day. I remember enjoying it, so my sense of taste must have returned by then. Hang on in there …. You’ve come a long way and you are nearly there. Xx

  • Hel39, know what you mean. Drinking hot chocolate at moment as I can taste it but after 2 or 3 I've  had enough.good luck with your last chemo next week. I've  git an ultrasound  soon and meeting with surgical team. You and I are on same schedule. Good luck with everything xxx

  • Hi courier, gosh surgery was quick. My last chemo on 20th July, ultrasound  21st and surgical team 27th. I like your idea of curry will definitely  try it to see if I can taste it. Hope after my surgery I get fish and chips and can taste it.Hope your doing well and big hugs. X

  • And you. I signed consent for radiotherapy and bisphosphonates today so hoping I’m done with everything by September…apart from the ten years of drugs Joy.

    hope all good with your last infusion too - we’ve nearly done the hard part. Never thought I’d get tk this after round 1 as EC was brutal for me.


  • Hel39, your well on your way. Your surgery will not be long now. Chemo is brutal hun and never want it again. I wish you all the best in the world and it's over for you soon and back to normal. Keep in touch and sending you big hugs and love. We've  got this beaten kid xxxx

  • I had my surgeries prior to chemo. I never want chemo again either…pretty barbaric. Wish you all the best too adn stay in touch on here every now and then: we can hopefully come back on in a few years to tell others behind us that were a few years clear as positive stories xx