Seat belts after surgery

  • 6 replies
  • 305 subscribers

I'm due to go into royalties hampsted soon for a mastectomy.ill be in for about a.week as I'm having recon straight away. Will I be exempt.from a.sest belt.for a while?

  • Hi 

    Are you meaning as a passenger or driver ? You won’t be able to drive really for about 4 weeks , it is just recommended that until you feel comfortable doing an emergency stop. I have had various breast operations and have always just put a rolled up towel above the breast when it was sore, first days after, , but apart from that have not had any issues (I had a Diep op in Dec2019 and was fine with a seatbelt afterwards ) I have never heard of anyone having an exemption , but that doesn’t mean they haven’t ? May be someone will come along who has , but I would say you don’t really need one?

    Goid luck for your op

    Jo xx

  • FormerMember

    You should notify your insurance company (if you're a driver) rules vary from company to company. The general rule of thumb is you're ok once you can wear a seat belt and/or do an emergency stop. Macmillan sell a small cushion that will protect your wound if wearing a seat belt.  The DVLA website should clarify this for you 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to jowoomot

    Thanks  waiting for the confirmation of a diep this week

    It was just the journey home my daughter is collecting me I was just wondering how it would be .thanks x

  • I bought a little heart shaped cushion on eBay, used that on way home and still use it under arm on mastectomy side at night just over a year comfort blanket I think! Slight smile

  • Hi

    After mastectomy I used heart shaped cushion provided by Macmillan volunteers at my hospital .Brilliant for seat belt also for support when sitting or lying down . 

    One step at a time and ...Breathe !
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Northerner

    Thanks girls . Scary times x