RAD51C gene

  • 2 replies
  • 312 subscribers

Good evening ladies, had my 100,000 genomes project result today and I have been identified with

Germaline RAD51C heterozygous

Have an appointment with genetics to discuss pros and cons of preventative gynaecological surgery but not recommended any additional breast preventive surgery.

Anyone else had this?

Least it’s only 1 Week to wait for my appointment.....

  • FormerMember

    Hello i'm sorry but i'm not much use to you on this one but by me replying it will push your post back up to the top. So hopefully someone will come along and be able to offer you some advice.

    Hope your appointment goes well x

  • I have also been diagnosed with this gene.  I am just wondering where this leaves is in the  future regarding risk of breast/ovarian  cancer? I don’t qualify for immunotherapy being negative for the braca gene but this now places me at a higher risk of reoccurance. I have an appointment this month with genetics so can discuss my concerns there.as I am really concerned about the risk