Picc line cover advice please

  • 9 replies
  • 316 subscribers

Hi world. 

I'm having a picc line fitted in a week and suddenly realised this could not only freak out my granddaughter but other people too. Me included. 

So I got  some pretty lace covers on EBay in lots of different colours and ordered a couple. I've no idea if they'll work yet. 

Sitting back self satisfied with my achievement and a coffee.

I realised I need to keep this thing dry in the shower. 

I looked on line and like most things people  really need they're expensive and the reviews weren't great either . 

Any advise on how you kept yours dry and safe? 

I don't fancy writhing around the bathroom naked once day trying to convince a roll of cling film to stick to skin until I get all the way round the other side. Next doors cat sit on my bathroom window sill and it be traumatised.

And I live alone .

Cant see my asking the lady next door who turned a subtle shade of green when she asked me 'how things were  going and gave her the briefest over views, to wrap me daily  Nauseated face

I'm a keen gardener and yes I knowing brandishing a 3ft hedge trimmer 15ft up a ladder this summer probably isn't  on the agenda.  But life goes on. How ? What are pitfalls? Before I find them the hard way !!

Cheers guys 


  • FormerMember

    Hi there

    I had a PICC last year. When my granddaughter was around I just had normal long sleeves on.  I think you will find that when the staff change the dressing or you have treatment they usually finish off my covering  your arm with a tube shaped bandage so there actually isn’t much to see.

    I was advised to ask my GP to prescribe a LImbo waterproof arm protector and the Pharmacy got it in with 24 hrs. It great, I could shower easily and nothing ever leaked

    It does seem a bit daunting but it was very easy to manage

    Good luck with your treatment 

  • Great thank you. 

    I don't think my granddaughter will freak over much, it was more humour than anything. 

    Back to GP then. 



  • Just as a point of Intrest, how did the fitting it go ? 



  • Hi Lellyv,

    I also had a PICC line installed for a few months last year.  I was very leery about it at first, but it quickly got to where I forgot it was there.  Surprisingly, they encouraged me not to limit my use of the arm with the PICC line - and I didn't have any problems or limitations using it (besides trying to keep it dry). I would think using a hedge trimmer would be fine as long as you keep it well covered (where you won't catch it on something). And it's not so hot that sweat will get your bandage wet.  However, I think if your immune system is suppressed from chemo they may want to limit your gardening.

    I think they prefer to put it in your right arm, unless you have a really good reason for it to go in your left.

    Making it waterproof for a shower was a pain - I usually had my wife or daughter wrap it with Saran wrap.  I could do it myself, but it sometimes took a few tries.  I'm not much of a bath person, but it came in very handy.  I would hang the arm with the PICC outside the bath, without having to wrap it.

    The hospital where I went was several hours away, so it wasn't practical for us to go there to get it flushed or have the bandage changed.  But the offered a class (couple of hours) for my wife to learn how to change the bandage and flush it.  They wanted us to change the bandage weekly.  Will you be having them do it at the hospital?

    Also, they wanted us to flush it daily with a (disposable) saline syringe that attaches to the PICC line. It's hard to do with one hand, unless they make the line long enough for you to reach with both hands.  - Something to discuss with your doctor/nurse if you want to do the flushing yourself. I think there was a gentleman in the class with my wife who was going to be doing it himself.  By the way I could usually taste it when my injected the saline in my arm - wasn't my favorite taste;)

    I usually wore long sleeve shirts, but to keep the PICC line out of the way I used a short piece of old sock (that still stretched) with the toe cut off.  Once I found one that was tight enough, I never had a problem with it.

    Good luck. It's a bit of a scary and uncertain time. Don't hesitate to ask more questions.

  • Hiya ,

    I also had a limbo cover for showers. I was given it when I had my picc line fitted, so maybe check if they are given out before you buy one? 

    They do cover it with a bandage. I used cut up patterned tights over mine when I went out! 


    Gay xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to wombat.23

    Hi ....the above contributions are correct , you are entitled to a limbo , free on prescription via your G P ......when my line was removed I passed it on  ! 

    You might be fine gardening , I did all mine during treatment, just don’t get scratched.

    bit by bit you will gather Ll the information you need ... best wishes x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lellyv

    It’s just a pull on tube with a gasket at each end to form the seal. Once I had it on I “squeezed” it against my body to expel the air.

    If you Google it and you can see a picture which will help....and make sense!Grinning

  • Yes it does thank you



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