Reconstruction using back muscle, anyone else??

  • 30 replies
  • 319 subscribers

I am having a mastectomy on Monday and i have having an immediate reconstruction using the muscle and fat from my back, i've not heard anyone have this done.

I was wondering if anyone else has had this kind of reconstruction and can give me any hints to get through it as easy as possible. I'm not worried about it but wondering how long it might be before i can sleep on my side and back again.

  • Hi sorry I can't advise you but I'm over two years from diagnosis and have not had reconstruction .I'm wondering about it at the moment. I'm also thinking of this procedure so hope you get some answers.

    Do you mind me asking what made you chose this procedure over  Diep or Implants. Thankyou and best wishes for surgery  xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Optimistic

    Hiya thanks for your response. Would you believe that since i wrote this a neighbour called to show me her new grandson and she told me about her Aunt who had her reconstruction done with her back muscle. She said it was amazing and that you can't tell the difference at all. So fingers crossed.

    To answer your question, the reason i chose this one over the others was:

    1. A implant will stay the same whatever. So if i lose weight my own boob will get smaller but the implant will stay the same size, same if i put on weight. So ruled that one out. 

    2. With a diep the tissue is disconnected from the body, the blood vessels are then reattached through micro surgery. This can sometimes cause complications due to the small vessels.The wound to remove the tissue is normally bigger than the wound to move the tissue in a latissimus dorsi flap procedure (using back muscle) so will take longer to heal. 

    3. In a latissimus dorsi flap procedure, the muscle/fat is not disconnected from the body so no problems reconnecting blood supply as it never disconnected.

    4. The scar on your back is hidden by your bra and not as big as with a diep.

    5. It looks more natural than an implant.

    The only negative is i have been told i will have some weakness in my arm, but as it is my left side and i am right handed i can't see it causing me much problem.

    I'll let you know how it goes xx

  • Hi thank you for your answer and yes good coincidence with your neighbour !  I agree with all your reasons. I've been to see BCN last week with a view to seeing before and after pics but though she was good she had no pictures ready as she said I didn't know what i wanted yet so not very helpful for me  . I am  a regular on here and many know emotionally I've struggled so reconstruction wasn't on my agenda but now my fear is lifting a bit i suppose I feel ready to think about .It

    I've just told hubby I've decided to leave it and not face more surgery after this timescale and he was really pleased with that but a part of me still isn't sure .Can I ask if you need an Implant as well ?  I think it's a great decision and would love to hear how it goes  Have a restful weekend and take care xxxxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Optimistic

    I had this done in October, home from hospital the next day. The worst bit for me was that they like to keep the area well heated for the first 12 hours post op so you are kept under what looks like a lilo with hot air running continuously through it...nurses were really great and managed to site it so it was just across my chest and kept the rest of my body clear. I had 2 drains in situ, one came out after three days the other after six. It took a few weeks for me to sleep on my left side (side I had the procedure on) but could sleep on my right side once I had the drains out, although it did pull a bit. You have to wear your bra day and night for six weeks which helped. Happy to answer anymore of your questions.

  • Hi I don't want to steal this thread but just quickly did you also need an implant and are you pleased with the result. Thankyou x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Optimistic

    No I didn’t need an implant as well as I was quite well endowed. In fact I will be having a reduction on the other side at the end of the year. They took some skin from my back and grafted it onto the front and when I have the reduction they are going to make a nipple out of that transplanted skin, so still a work in progress I am afraid. So currently needing my little friend in my bra still. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks thanks for that, i knew there would be someone somewhere lol

    Sounds like it went well, so fingers crossed the same goes for me. I was told i could possibly wake up with 3 drains, one in my back and 2 in my boob. Fingers crossed mine is similar to yours. Has it caused any difference in the use of your arm? I was told it would become weak but hoping after doing exercises it will be better.

    i won't need an implant, my surgeon told me if my boobs didn't match they could reduce my other in the future if necessary. And you are not stealing the thread, we can share it, we both need to know the same information. Hopefully once i've had mine done i will be able to advise you too.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    My Mastectomy and reconstruction was operation no 4 last year so that side had already taken quite a battering. No issues with my arm, just do the exercises as they tell you. Not noticed any weakness just a slight pulling across my back when I stretch up and this is along the suture line but this has also improved, do get the occasional ache across my back but nothing I cant cope with. I hardly need any painkillers after the surgery just for the first 48 hours and then I was fine, but we are all different. If you feel that you need them then take them. Oh and rest it is major surgery although the quick discharge may make you think its not but trust me it is..look after yourself and always around if you need to ask questions. I am sure you will be fine the build up is the nightmare

  • Hello

    I had an LD reconstruction with implant and an implant in my right good side to match  Plastic surgeon asked if I wanted to be a bit bigger than my original 36a so I thought why not, Am now a 38c/d.

    I slept on my back from the start with the aid of a V shaped pillow. I also had a silk fitted sheet on the bed which allowed me to move easier.

    It was a weird feeling in my back like  being impailed with a wooden broom handle. Will be interested if you have the same sensation.

    I came out of hospital without any drains and had a District Nurse visit me to change dressings for a few weeks. This may have been a luxury no longer available as my op was in 2010.

    The only difference I found was that it was more difficult to swim. I kept tipping over!!

    All the best for Monday



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you ladies feeling so much better about it now. I seem to think i'll be useless for anything for the next 2 months lol cleaned my house top to bottom today, done all the washing and ironing, and did a big food shop yesterday lol

    It will be my third operation since christmas, but my consultant said i am a good healer so hopefully i'll recover quickly. 

    i'll be lucky if i get a district nurse, my doctors surgery have been appalling, but my hospital has been fantastic only downfall is they are 30 miles away.

    Thanks again ladies xx