Puckering on breast. Is this likely to be Breast cancer?

  • 4 replies
  • 316 subscribers

I found an indent on my breast but no lump and thought at first it was just stretch marks, but after looking for signs of breast cancer (I only did this because a friend has just had a breast removed and as she didn't have any symptoms) I thought I better visit my G P who immediately referred me to the breast clinic. I got a letter the following day to go to a breast surgery  unit but not for another 5 weeks.  

I cant stop checking my breasts and have now found a red line my armpits which feels a bit lumpy.

My head is all over the place as I dont know what to think.

5 weeks seems a long time to wait.

  • Hi

    I wish I could say 'don't worry it's nothing', but you know that no-one can say that until you've been to the breast clinic.  Sorry that you have so long to wait - I can assure you that the waiting is the hardest bit of all.

    I wonder if you could ring the breast clinic and let them know how hard you are finding it with waiting and see if you could get a cancellation appointment?  I can remember at mine that although they didn't say 'you have cancer' the amount of tests, biopsies and the nurses words "we are very concerned about' following my first ever mammogram and a callback to the clinic. I knew I had cancer, but even then it was still a couple of weeks following that before I had an appointment with the breast surgeon at my local hospital.  So, it could be up to 7 weeks before you get a definitive answer.  (They refer you to the breast surgeon whether good or bad).

    Even IF it is cancer, please be reassured that the diagnosis and treatment is never as bad as your imagination.  Sounds stupid, but I think everyone believes that the not knowing is the hardest.  Once you know what it is and treatment starts then everything becomes a little easier to cope with - and I sincerely hope that for you, it's nothing and we won't see you on the site again  - in the nicest way possible of course!!!

    Also, even IF it does turn out to be cancer, please don't worry that the delay will make a huge difference to the outcome.  Give them a call and see if they can squeeze you in earlier to put your mind at rest.

    Kindest wishes,

    Community Champion Badge

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to lesleyhelen

    Thank you Lesley.

    I actually rang them up today but no cancellations but Im going to ring them up daily to try and get an earlier date.

    I think it is the delay which is causing the most anxiety.

    I had a mamogram last September which didnt show anything so Im hoping that is good news.

    I also need to stop looking at cancer symtoms on different websites as I'm tormenting myself. Is this normal?

    I know I will deal with whatever comes but I just need to know what it is. 

  • Dear ,

    Welcome to the mad house, I am sorry you have found yourself here, however, as mad as we all are between us all we are a great bunch.  Lets hope your stay here is brief, if it turns out not to be, then we have your back and will help you through this.

    When I first went to me doctors with a slight dimple, my doctor had no concerns and referred me under the '2 week referral scheme' (not sure of the correct name) basically, if BC is suspected your doctor refers you and you see specialist at BC Clinic in hospital 'within' two weeks.  Your '5 weeks' to me is not acceptable.  I think you need to go back to your doctor and ask to be referred under this system.

    The system works very well.  You see a breast surgeon, have a mammogram, followed by an ultra sound, if there is an area they are unsure about (for numerous reasons, scar tissue, cyst, BC, fatty lump, etc) they will do a biopsy (normally there and then) and from this can give you an 'idea' of how everything is looking.

    You are very right the delay and waiting will cause you anxiety - I reckon most if not all ladies on here will say 'it's the waiting for results or treatment plan' that causes the most upset and stress.  Once you know what you are dealing with - you have control and know whats going on.

    Not wanting to worry you, but, better said than you think it yourself....

    "If" there is anything wrong, first remember you have only a few months ago had a clear mammogram, so you hopefully could be worrying over nothing.  If it is something, well, you have set the ball rolling and have done something about it rather than waiting.  There are so many treatments available and believe me 'you will get through it' - once you know what is happening we can take it from there.

    Lets really hope your stay here is short and there is nothing for you to worry about.  

    Please keep us updated and if you have any questions or concerns don't keep them to yourself, there is always a 'Fruit Loop' about willing to help.  

    If you feel lonely during the night time hours (most of us start here, with all the 'what if's, etc' - look for the thread called 'Awake' and feel free to join in, ask questions, share your worries etc and we will do our best to help you through this.

    Sending hugs xxxx

    I'm hoping this makes sense - only my mind says one thing and my fingers type whatever they like x
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