NHS Tayside Breast cancer on BBC

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Phoned NHS inform on 08000 858531 

letters sent to 304 people effected and those people should get the letter tomorrow . 

  • Hi Ruby Rose thats disgraceful I cant even imagine how worried people will be who have had their treatment there.


    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi  

     I got my recall letter today !  Very cleverly worded as to make us think it’s a revue whereas we know it was actioned  because of a whistle blower . Letter says arrangements will be made for me to see an oncologist to discuss my treatment . 

    Got my 1st annual mammogram last week and told I would get my results in 6 weeks !!! Wonder how long I will need to wait to see an oncologist !! 

    Our  time is so very precious to us and we could do without the worry and waiting . 


    Ruby Rose Rose 

    • My face looks better when I smile - so smile it is ! 
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ruby Rose

    Hi .  I do hope you get seen quickly.  And that they can explain and reassure you.  My oncologist reckoned that 4 treatment did most of the work.  I think you and I had 5?  Also many people get the dose reduced due to toxicity.  So hope it is a storm in a tea cup.  

    Hugs and best wishes in the meantime xxx

  • Hi ruby rose that's shocking news hopefully you will be seen soon and get the reasurance

    you need I could only do 4 sessions and 2 were lowered as I was so sick Al be thinking of you keep us posted take care you have been doing so well xx

  • Dear  

    You are so right with how letter's can be worded and to do this to C patients is wrong, they should be honest and upfront - thank goodness for the whistle blower.  I always worry for people that are trusting and don't ask questions, take everything in thats told to them and thats it.  In an ideal world this would be lovely, so lovely, but, sadly we aren't - we do have to question everything.  

    (I still keep beating the drum to get the combined lumpectomy and radiotherapy treatment 'out their' (Target IORT) for ladies to be told (by law, I believe the surgeon is supposed to tell of 'every kind of treatment available' - even if not available at their hospital, we are supposed to be told every type of treatment, so we can go away and consider all options.  To my knowledge, this treatment is still denied to patients, is hardly ever mentioned and sadly some even deny knowledge of the treatment.

    I really hope you get your results sooner than '6' weeks!! that length of time is crazy, do they not realise its the waiting for the results that causes us the most stress.  I have a feeling you will hear sooner Pray

    Edit: Adding.....
    Brain has just kicked, realising it is mammogram results, I think you should phone them in say a weeks time and say how stressed you are, that they told you to phone in and that they may be able to give you the results sooner.  (After all, if you don't ask, etc).

    In the meantime, this is so true....

    Sending love and hugs xxxx

    I'm hoping this makes sense - only my mind says one thing and my fingers type whatever they like x
  • hi, for what it's worth my oncologist said she could have reduced my treatment by 50%

    I wasn't over the moon when she told me that


    having already completed 4 x EC and 2 of the T's it seemed daft to not see it through, with only 2 Ts to go my toenails were the literal stumbling block, so I taped them on with micropore and limped over the finish line.  Then I slept for a week, after that I crawled into 2016 and attempted to rebuild my life.

    I got told off for saying that oncologists prescribe on a whim but there is a lot of debate over drugs and dosages.



     real life success stories to remind you that people do survive breast cancer


    Dr Peter Harvey



  • Thanks everyone , I’m sure I will be ok but it would have been better to have been told the whole story and maybe given choices , plus I could maybe have been given the weekly chemo that was gentler and would have enabled me to finish the full course . 

    Also when I asked questions one reply started with 

    “I take exception to you questioning my treatment plan for you”.  It was more to do with my reduced Herceptin than chemo but it’s MY life and I can ask questions if I want to . 

    My oncologist was nice and I was told by staff that she always put the safety of her patients first re side effects etc BUT I heard quite a lot about her not liking to be questioned .! 

    So even if that issue with her inability to take questioning more of a compliment of patients trusting her than looking at it as if We questioning her ability. I would see this enquiry/follow up as a positive step . It’s not about one person but the whole oncology department . If any of you want to read the full HIS report , it does make for interesting reading . I take comfort in that they say that there was no evidence if cost cutting . 


    Bit fed up that cancer issues are eating into my life , when I want to get on with living .


    Ruby Rose Rose 

    • My face looks better when I smile - so smile it is ! 
  • Hi Everyone 

    My meeting went well and turns out I shouldn’t have been recalled as due to my heart murmur I had a completely different chemo to the one in question . Was good though as I had some questions and I have a sore hip . Oncologist will recall me in a month or so and give me a full Mot , bloods and X-ray but she says she suspects arthritis. But she says after what I have been through she wants to put my mind at ease - so I’m happy . .

    Day after my meeting my Mammogram result came  through - ALL CLEAR. !Tada

    New Passport ordered as my photo had mega changed and last holiday was told I should change it ,just in case ! I only had a year remaining , so new one applied for . Grinning

    Then it will be holidays ! 

    Off to York this weekend and no need for a passport ! Meeting family so excited ! 

    Hope you are all doing well and thank you for the good wishes . 


    Ruby Rose Rose 

    • My face looks better when I smile - so smile it is ! 
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ruby Rose

    What wonderful news for you Ruby Rose - on all counts.  And lovely to hear such positive steps forward.  Enjoy York - lovely city but I am probably biased as I live here!

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