chemo hat

  • 14 replies
  • 319 subscribers

Hello I've been recently diagnosed and the treatment is probably going to be chemo first. Looking at hats  any recommendations?

  • Hi There. 

    So sorry about your recent diagnosis. You are in the right place for support here. These ladies have helped me immensely.

    I lost nearly all my hair through chemo apart from a few long  strands at the front which may have been the only place the cold cap worked!! As it was winter I got away with woolly hats which I already had loads of but now there are becoming a bit hot.

    My favourite ones I got from Amazon as they are generous beanies with lots of volume and material which don't cling to your head. I think you may need to try on loads and return if you're not happy. I also got some from Annabandana and Hipheadwear who are super helpful if you call them and know all their products well.

    Hope that helps a little. Best Wishes to you


  • FormerMember

    Hi there

    Sorry you've had to come find us...

    I found various lovely things on annbandana, the sleep hats were a must for me, couldn't go to bed without one!

    All the best

  • Thank you so much . It’s good to know this community is here. I’ll try the places you mention


    Why. are we here? To love and be loved
  • Thanks maghiemee I’ll take a look at the sleep hats - they sound great. Hope you’re doing OK


    Why. are we here? To love and be loved
  • Hi

    I bought mine from Annabanda too. I bought a couple of sleep hats as well but found I didn’t need them. I just wanted to be prepared just in case. Didn’t find them too expensive on this website either. 

    Good luck with your treatment.



  • Thank you! I’ve taken a look at Annabanda and they have some lovely things. How soon into your treatment did you experience hair loss and how long did it go on? 


    Why. are we here? To love and be loved
  • Hi

    I used the cold cap for first 2 cycles. I started to lose hair just before 2nd cycle therefore didn’t bother to use cold cap for rest of treatment as it wasn’t working for me. Don’t be put off with that though if you are thinking of using it as some people get good results. On a positive note though my hair started to grow back before treatment finished. It’s only been 3 weeks since my treatment finished and I’m surprised so far at how quick it is growing back.  Will need the wig for a while yet though. 

    Hoping the eyelashes will follow suit Grinning



  • Thank you! that s good news - I know everyone is different though.

    It sounds like you're well on the way to recovery hope you continue to do well



    Why. are we here? To love and be loved
  • Hi

    it will depend on what chemo cocktail you get . I had 5 Dosetaxel and wore the cold cap . Hair thinned on top but that was all . I still got a wig ( funded in Scotland by nhs) I wore it after chemo as I couldn’t comb my hair after coldcap . I had a lovely wig and everyone thought it was my own hair . My hair did eventually change over from chemo hair to thick , with curls that can be straightened , 

    if you use the search bar for wigs you will see ladies posting photos of their wigs and other head bands . 

    Wishing you well with your treatment . 


    Ruby Rose Rose 

    • My face looks better when I smile - so smile it is ! 
  • Thanks so much Ruby Rose that is really helpful I wasn't thinking of a wig but now wonder if that might be the way to go. I'll look at the photos as you suggest - hadn't seen that page yet.



    Why. are we here? To love and be loved