cellulitus in breast

  • 6 replies
  • 313 subscribers

hi just wondered if anyone has had cellulitis in their breast. I finished radiation in August and started just with a red mark and bit of swelling in November. went to see consultant and was told it was radiation odema well it has got worse and worse. phoned breast cancer nurses today who said id to go through my own doctor if they thought it was lymphodema they would refer me to clinic. doctors say its cellulitis. now on antibiotics. has anyone else had this and how long does it take to clear x

  • Not seen you post on here before , so a very gentle welcome

    From all I have learnt cellulitis is a bacterial infection And antibiotics is the best root . Not one I’ve seen before on here but maybe the skin became infected during  or after RT

    No doubt someone will be along soon with a better answer

    My daughter had this and needed antibiotics for 10 days. As a nurse she picked it up from helping others. It was not nice but went with the meds

    Again gentle hugs


    Life is like a boxing match, defeat is declared not when you fall ..... But when you refuse to stand up again ....... So, I get knocked down but I get up again. x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Kirsam

    I am just popping over to reply as I sore your post. 

    I get cellulitis frequently (nothing to do with cancer), though never in my boob.

    It is caused by infection in the bottom layer of your skin. Any break in the skin can let bacteria in and the infection can be caused. 

    It almost feels a bit like sunburn. The skin goes bright red and hot to the touch. It also feels thicker so you may find that the skin infected appears raised to the surrounding area. It often feels tighter too.

    With regard to how long it will last will depend on how long it was you have had it before starting the antibiotics and how large an area is infected.

    It will take a couple of days for the antibiotics to kick in but you should notice that it is less angry looking and the raised appearance along with the tightness and heat will gradually go. 

    It can take a while to get over cellulitis as it is quite an infection to get and may leave you feeling washed out and tired for a few days after.

    If it continues to spread now you are on the antibiotics get back in touch with the medical team straight away as they may need to adjust the antibiotics. As long as it is no longer spreading and the heat etc is gradually backing off you should be on the mend. If you do not feel it is on the way out by the end of the course again see your medical team again for further advice/treatment.

    Leolady is correct in saying it could have been triggered by the radiotherapy if you skin was damaged/broken during treatment. It really can get in through the smallest brake in the skin.

    Hope it passes soon for you - keep an eye on it. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    thank you hopefully the antibiotics kick in soon x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Leolady56

    Thank you I was burnt bad with the radiation so maybe that triggered it off xx

  • Hi kirsam, I had a mastectomy in october  2017 I and then radiotherapy the end of November. I got celuitis in January in my upper thigh . It was very painful, the first course of antibiotics reduced the selling and redness after two weeks a different antibiotics was given by my doctor. I lived off custard and jelly for a month and didn't get out of bed.  In March I got it again in my ankle, as I new straight away what is was the antibiotics were given with in an hour. My doc. Said I had a bad case of it. It took me three months to recover, take care


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