Filgrastim and Docetaxel

  • 11 replies
  • 314 subscribers

Hi all,

I had my 1st dose of Docetaxel on Wed following 3 EC and it has knocked me for 6.  I was used to mild bone pain with the Filgrastim injections , but combined with the Docetaxel and the EC already in my system, I'm really struggling.   I phoned the Christie Hotline last night, but as my temp has always been ok, I wasn't expecting much really, just reassurance.  The nurse was great and as you can see from my profile, I have other things going on which would reduce my coping mechanisms. 

I feel like I have flu in terms of aches and my legs and stomach are painful, not sleeping much.  Have taken all the pain relief I can, including Clarityn, but just need some reassurance from those of you that have gone through it.



  • Hi I had exactly the same aches and a few pains....felt like a heavy dose of the flu! Rest assured it didn’t get any worse and eased off after about 5 days (sorry that sounds a really long time!). So first week was rubbish but I then felt so much better than on FEC and had a good 2 weeks before my next session. I have just had my 2nd T and the aches have started this morning again! 

  • FormerMember

    i had the same problem as you with aches and pains but it didn't last for the full 3 weeks only really the first week, once i'd finished the injections it eased off. I found taking paracetamol and filling in the gaps if necessary with ibuprofen helped, didn't get rid altogether but definitely helped. I also found a hot water bottle eased it a little too. 

    When do you do your injections? I did mine just before bed.

    I found the tiredness worse with docetaxel than FEC but had no sickness at all.

  • morning

    i had FECT, the first 3 were reasonable for SE's but the Docetaxel and Filgrastim combo knocked me for 6.  the backache was awful  - spent the first week and a half trying not to walk like i had to get to the loo in a hurry. walking did help tho - had to get the distance right tho, too little and back still hurt, too much and it started to hurt again. bubble baths were brilliant - eased the pains plus the bubbles always cheer me up - i blow them at the cats and watch them play.  

    the pain eased off after a weekish and quickly improved after that.  my temp was always ok too and got the usual advice - a little exercise, lots of water and don't push ur limits - who knew i would learn to love naps lol

    did have a hospital visit after first Docetaxel - it felt like evil imps were smashing my lower leg bones with rubber hammers - got codeine for that.  walking was down to a minimum with that. again that lasted for bout a week and a half but it wasn't as bad after the second dose and ignorable after the third.

    nurse did tell me it would be less with each dose and it was, so fingers crossed it's the same for u. no help at min cause ur still on first, but a bit of hope for the next couple months Smiley

  • FormerMember

    Not sure how to thankyou all for your replies so hope you see this.  Feel reassured knowing I may only have a week or so of this.  I have been injecting around 4pm, but would you recommend just before bed?  I took a 30mg codeine during the night which I was given after my op.  Didn't need it at all then, but last night effects only lasted about 1hr 1/2 then pain again.  I will try to move about a bit more too and I've got a microwave pack for heat.

    Thankyou so much for your advice, I feel I can get through this.  Xx

  • Hiya ,

    Sounds like you have been well and truly hit by the tax truck. Your description sounds very much what I went through. My aches lasted till about day 8 after chemo - really weird sensation, felt like I was bruised all over. From my experience days 3-5 after chemo were the worst. Also the taste in my mouth  was foul, but it does go. 

    You are nearly there now, and at least now you know what to expect for the final chemo sessions.


    Gay xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    My nurse advised me to take do my injections just before bed then any aches and pains would be while I slept. Also was told to take injection out of fridge 1/2 hour before I did it to stop it from stinging when you do it xx 

  • Hiya,

    I had Neulasta (pegfilgrastim) injection - a single injection 24 hours after chemo.Aches the day after but that was it. Is this an option for you?


    Gay xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to wombat.23

    Hi, me again....awake with this excruciating bone pain.  Can see another rough night ahead.  Had the injection at bedtime and took 30mg codeine ...result, got 1.5hrs "sleep".

    Now lay here with warm pack on my shins and stomach gripes, not to mention the jaw pain.  Don't think I can manage another night of this.  Has anyone been px any other analgesic for this kind of pain?  I don't want to stop the Filgrastim injections , but definitely need help tomorrow. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Morning you need to ring your chemo team, ask them for advice, they may tell you to stop doing the injections or next time lower your docetaxel dose. 

    I had mine lowered for my last 2 because i caught an infection on my first and ended up in hospital for a couple of nights but this made no difference the chemo still did the job. 

    Give them a ring i'm sure they will be able to help some how, how many injections do you have left to do? 

    You can't be laid awake tonight or santa won't come Slight smile

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Just read this....thanks for the reply, it gave me a chuckle.  I did ring the Hotline and was basically told, it is what it is and the benefits outweigh the side effects of the injections.  At the time I was doubled up with pain in my jaw, pelvis and legs.  I'm an ICU nurse myself and would never dream of leaving a patient in so much pain.  The nurse did advise me to get in touch with my GP if necessary, which I did.  I'm now on oxycodone which I have been taking at full dose just at night and occasional low dose in day.  I've only got 1 more injection tomorrow so hoping things will subside after that.

    I'll obviously mention all of this to the Dr when I go for my pre chemo appt in 2 weeks time.  I'm definitely not prepared to go through so much pain again and am reassured by you saying they can tweek treatment and it won't affect it's efficacy.

    After managing so well on the EC this has absolutely floored me and after losing my hubby to ca in May, I need to be as good as possible through treatment for the sake of our 2 boys.

    Thankyou so much for your support. Xx