Two week wait dent in breast

  • 3 replies
  • 312 subscribers

Hi all, thanks for reading! 

I’m in a bit of a pickle to be honest. Earlier this week I noticed a reasonably large (about an inch total) dent in the under side of my right breast.

I had the drs today who could see it instantly and did an excellent thorough examination but no lumps found. 

She did say it felt tethered but I’m not sure what she meant. She didn’t have a good colour and a poor poker face to be honest! 

She’s referred for the two week wait so I know I will hear soon enough but I’m already being treated for cancer at the moment

I have multiole basal cell carcinoma, one on my nose and one on my back that will be removed and reconstruction on 6th April.

My youngest is 1 year old and we’re been in and out of hospital with him since November- I feel like it’s never ending at the moment. 

My minds working time and lack of sleep + google is a terrible mix!!

Not really sure what my point is if I’m honest. Just getting it out there I think. 

Thanks for sticking with it for this long

  • Hi x-tay-x

    Welcome! We are a very friendly lot here - more than willing to read your post. My, you do have a lot going on - I hope you are managing some normality and lovely family times in amongst all the hospital visits. 

    Well - doctors - I'd advise most of them against poker - but still - at least you are prepared for it to be something to be dealt with,  and of course - it might turn out not to be cancer or anything else. Tethering is something that needs to be investigated - it's a little like a puckering - if you imagine a bit of breast skin being 'tethered' to some tissue further inside your breast - that's the kind of look it has.

    I can imagine that things seem relentless for you at the moment, but I want to assure you breast cancer is very treatable and success rates are high. Google isn' really your friend at times like this - it's natural to want information but try to stick to reputable sites - Macmillan, obviously, breast cancer care, and Cancer Research UK. I also quite like breast cancer .org but it's American so treatment info isn't always relevant - they have some good diagrams though.

    In situations like this, I'd normally say 'try not to worry' but I feel you  might be quite good at distraction already with everything you have going on. We are here for you whenever you need - when you can't sleep, this is a much nicer place to visit than google - there's usually someone around whatever time it is. You can vent, rant, get it out - whatever you need.

    Hopefully the wait will go quickly - let us know how you get on!!


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ronstar

    Almost a year later a huge amount of tests and I’ve been diagnosed with Agressive Fibromatosis, a Desmoids sarcoma tumour in my breast. Surgery to remove scheduled for 8th March 

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