Different makes of Letrozole

  • 37 replies
  • 317 subscribers

I have just been to the Pharmacy in my village to collect my prescription  for Letrozole.  On my prescription it says Actavis brand please.

I pick up the prescription to find it is NOT Actavis.  I say very politely, that I can't accept that and as I have been taking this since January and it is  a village pharmacy where they know all their patients, please can they order the Actavis.  The Pharmacist says, no difference in any make and although they try to get what we ask for,  there is no obligation on them to get the BRAND that I THINK makes a difference!  I explain that although I haven't tried that particular brand, the other two brands I have tried have turned me into a melting, stiff 80 year old.  I thought , if I injected some humour into it he might be a little more sympathetic.  Absolutely not.  He said very condescendingly that he had a degree in pharmacology, not me, and although different brands used different fillers there were no clinical trials that proved my point, therefore it was my PERCEPTION of what happened with other brands, and had I heard of the placebo effect? Ugh!!

I was made to feel about 1/2 inch high in front of a shop full of people that I know.  He then said he would order them for tomorrow as a favour.  I really like to support our village shops but guess who will be going to a different pharmacy from now on?

I just feel So angry and upset that he can talk to me like this.

I wish I could name and shame........


  • Hi Linda


    please print off as many searches on here on letrozole different brands as you can and shove them under his nose arrogant shit, sorry for the swearing

    i am on accord brand and the chemist gets this for me every time, as the others send me into a cripple, and i cant walk

    He is correct in that i dont know of any clinical trials evidence BECAUSE NO ONE HAS BOTHERED TO DO ANY,  maybe he should take up the gauntlet and bloody well find out, stupid man

    My GP when i spoke to him knows all about the differing affects of different brands.

    If they all got us Femara we wouldnt be in this situation.

    Tell him and show him my reply here and tell him ill swap with him for a week, and see how he feels and likes it, and as he is a man ill give him 2 days, before he realises he is so ill with pain, that he wont want to be in our situation.

    And another thing he can shove his degree up his jacksy, because that does not give him the knowledge or the right to know what goes on in the real world.

    keep battling, and tell him to rack off

    im so angry at reading your post

    love Sally xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to kargus

    Oh Sally,

    Thank you so much for your post.  I didn't know whether to laugh or cry so did a bit of both!

    I will wait until tomorrow when I have my script in my hand and then tell him what I think of him and his pompous, condescending attitude.

    I love the community on here, it make me feel normal again, or as near normal as possible anyway.



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I've read alot about the different makes of letrozole so was pleased when my first lot was the Accord brand. Picked up my second lot yesterday only to find its the Niche Generics brand. Anyone had that type?

    Jo x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Oh Lindylou, what a prat!

    Although I have been practicing Mindfulness since I got on this rollercoaster I was seething whilst reading your post!  I encountered 1pharmacist with similar attitudes but nowhere near as bad, and the word Macmillan shut them up very quickly!  Hope you get the right ones soon!


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi. I've had the pharma lecture too from my local pharmacist.  I  Just said (slightly sarcastically) "I'm sure your right, but I'm not taking any chances, so would you mind getter me the accord brand please". They always do get it for me.  There are thousands of women who are reporting different SE to different brands - like we are making it up!

  • Hi ,

    I have posted this in another thread:

    ''When I last picked up my letrozole prescription, the nice man in Boots (4th chemist I went to) told me that the nhs has changed the way chemists order their 'drugs'. He said that they are not supposed to order specific brands, they have to have which ever brand is the cheapest at that particular time. And he explained that the manufacturers constantly try to undercut each other by a few pence to make sure that their product is the cheapest and so will be ordered. Apparently the brand that is cheapest one week, is not necessarily the cheapest the next week. All of the 4 chemists I went to said that they could try, but couldn't guarantee they could get a particular brand. This is how it is in Wales - not sure about England, although my Dad (in Lancashire) has commented that the colour of his tablets for his heart medication keep on changing and he finds it quite confusing - so this could be for the same reason. GRRRR - this makes me so annoyed, basically playing with our quality of life for a few pence!''

    I don't know if this is what is happening to everybody else but it does seem likely reading everybody's posts and may help to explain what is happening. It is not right and it is not fair, but nothing excuses him being like a complete 'jerk' towards you. (felt like inserting something stronger here ' '). Sounds like a patronising d***head. 

    Gay xxx

  • Hi Gay 

    Grrrrr too for you ...once the make is put on your prescription the pharmacist ( England) is legally required to get it ...I'm on femara ( original) it costs £80-£100 a month as opposed to letrozole generic which is £3-£4 a month says it all !!! My GP is great and as he says if I started having terrible side effects then it's more medication to counter act them ...false economy . Please report ( yellow card) make and side effects ..a lot are made in Asia and this worries me also ....your dad can request the same make even in a blister pack ...we've been through enough and should get the best if we have to take this for ten years and luckily my GP agrees 

    Hugs and Rainbows

    Debs xxx

    Rainbows make me smile inside and out...think what makes you smile?  Hold onto it xxxx

  • Thanks  for your response. I really hope this is the case, So far I am doing ok on the accord brand but I will certainly take on board what you have said in case I start having problems in the future. You seem lucky that you have an understanding GP. The lovely GP that was there when I first went with my concerns has left my surgery, and since then I have seen 3 other GPs. The last GP I saw ( I think head of the practice) didn't even know that letrozole was an aromatase inhibitor and was complaining that the information he had was not that clear. Hmm 'Jack of all trades, master of none' sprung to mind.

    It wasn't until I mentioned this to my mum that she thought about my dad's medication.

    I just wanted to say that this morning I dropped my son off at work and I saw a rainbow, and I thought of you !!!

    Gay xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Linda:  Good for you on not accepting the different brand.  I feel so bad that you guys are sometimes subjected to that kind of nonsense from your pharmacists.  I'm grateful that I can just choose between prescription or generic and the cost makes no difference.  Do name drop and print out some of the reviews on here to leave with him.  Sally had me rolling with laughter.  Just the right touch for you too!  Good Job!  Mira

  • Hi ,

    Be careful! We will all be requesting a holiday with you! I am number one on the list.....

    Gay xxx