is letrozole really to blame

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  • 317 subscribers

Hi i was diagnosed with breast cancer stage 1 grade 2 in march 2016 since then i feel as if i am am a completely different person.  I suppose most of my friends would describe me as bubbly, dizzy but capable and professional  and i get on with things Since taking letrozole i feel almost unable to manage my  daily life everything is an effort i am so tired and i  would forget my own name  if it wasnt so deeply ingrained!!!I can hardly remember from  minute to minute and forget important things all the time i feel as if i am in a fog all the time and if my life is completely out of control  the joint pains are ther  but i can put up with that it is this out of control feeling i cant deal with anyone else had this problem

  • FormerMember

    Hi Florence 

    The answer is, no one knows. But if I were you, I would ask your GP to do a full blood test, including thyroid and B12, as these can make you feel this way. Get a print out of results for your records, you are entitled, and you will know what has been done. If your B12 comes back below 500, you should consider supplements (not a multivitamin), I take Jarrows 5000 iu, sublingual. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Also check your levels of potassium, magnesium and calcium. Letrozole can lead to deficiencies especially of calcium 

  • FormerMember

    Letrozole can cause anemia, I'm on tamoxifen and it can do the same. I have been so tired, but a full set of blood tests showed up anemia. I've had to have some extra tests, gastroscopy and colonoscopy, but all came back normal. So I'm on ferrous tablets and felt better quite quickly. Worth checking it out, and the other tests weren't so bad xx

  • Hi florence 2017

    I was diagnosed around the same time as you and I am only just getting back to normal. Everyone is different but I certainly wasn't expecting to still feel as slow and lethargic as I have been 6 months after my treatment finished (I had chemo, surgery, rads, now on Tamoxifen) I've had some other issues too including a nasty infection and my GP thinks it's understandable to feel like that and I am taking part in a post cancer exercise programme at my hospital and the physios there do laugh gently at me, reel off everything my body has been through this last year and ask if I really expect to be bouncing around full of energy. For me, that's part of the problem - my life was fast-paced with long hours, little sleep - just always on, but I always had the energy to keep going - so this feels unbearably slow by comparison. I am a bit more forgetful and have some word-finding problems but it's slowly improving.

    I wanted to give you some encouragement because last Saturday I woke up to a different world - it was weird, I just knew things had changed as soon as I got up - I was me again. Nobody else would be able to see a difference, but I feel it. I told the physios at the exercise session and they immediately claimed credit for it!! Actually, I do think it's a combination of time, finding the right pace to do things and having new challenges with the exercise. It's an hour a week at the hospital gym but it's all new to me and I think that might be what has helped because I am engaging my brain and my body in learning something at the same time - does that make any sense? I feel like the fog has finally lifted. I've been warned that I can slip back and not to get too excited or overdo it but it's a relief just to know it's not permanent! So - hang in there.

    Now, having said all of that - of course it could be a deficiency as everyone says so best to check that out first! 

    Fingers crossed for you that it soon improves!


  • From my own experience, yes Letrozole can definitely do this.  I found a different brand helped a lot.  I was seriously thinking I couldn't do my job anymore because of the memory loss and sort of brain fuzz including forgetting words and names.  It's at least worth a try. 

    Sarah x

  • FormerMember

    Hi florence2017 

    Me too.. early 2016 was prescribed anatrozole.. speech & balance problems after 2 days! Told to come off them after 2 weeks.. then tried tamoxifen= low mood, fog, anxiety for 9 months.. then came the latrozole.. with it came chronic bone pain.. totally on a different planet ! with fog .memory.time keeping.seemed to have no control over Life in general was hard work.. as the benefit of the meds for me was low .. I decided to come off them (not quite sure how I feel about it yet  atm ) but after a week felt fog lifting & bone pain lots better.. I too was bubbly dizzy & smiley ..  made as the 'old' me!..just thought I'd let you know I had the same problem with the meds.. hope you find an answer hun.. take care & good luck ☘️

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I've been put on them as Tamoxifen didn't agree with me. Only been on two weeks but have noticed aching bones already. My biggest problem at the moment is I have zero energy. Even typing this is a struggle. Could this be the tablets? I already have B12 injections so that's in my favour.

    Does it ever stop?!

    Jo xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Peaches

    Also had no energy.. and initially took pain killlers for bone pain..but wasn't sure if that was the radiotherapy making  me feel fatigued..? Oncologist said I have intolerance to the meds I tried.. but everyone Is different.. I felt like th 'tin man' ! On the latrozole‍♀️.. still have no energy been off them a while now..( so could possibly be low mood with me). doing lots to try and combat it .. but it sucks when you've no energy.. it's 18 months since my last surgery.. but hey . We can do this.. Take care and hope you get sorted with your medsX

  • I am due my b-12 jab next week and start radiotherapy on 7 th June for five days I have been taking letrozole for two weeks and getting headaches and feeling tired   I am worried that the b12 will cause any problems. Any advice please 

  • My wife had a stage 2 breast cancer lumpectomy follwed by radiotherapy about 2 years ago and started the aromatase inhibitor,c Letrazole, at that time. Within a year it was noted that she had a normocytic normochromic anaemia at HB 99 (normal 125 to 150). This has persisted at this level since with no evidence of malignancy, or blood loss elsewhere. The literature states up to 75% women do suffer some anaemia after a couple of years on Letrazole. Maybe Macmillan could do some studies of their own as long term follow up of patients on these long-term drugs by the NHS seems sparse or non existent.