Insomnia after surgery

  • 8 replies
  • 307 subscribers

i had my lumpectomy this morning and I just can't go to sleep! I'm not in any pain, hot sleeping with these stockings and my bra but I just can't switch off my mind!

I've got to wait until 12th September for my results, was a bit disappointed it is so long as the nurses said the other day it will probably be 5th but everyone who had surgery today is the same.

I didn't think I was overally worried, whatever they are we can deal with it but I guess I must be inside as I am still wide awake! 

Please tell me this is normal? 

  • You are normal! How can you not feel worried until you know exactly what you are dealing with?

    After my lumpectomy, I had to wait about 2 weeks for my results too. My surgeon explained that the analysis usually takes time because some of the tests take time at the laboratory. I expect you had a lymph node removed at the same time as yesterdays operation. I think that takes a little while to analyse properly. My surgeon told me the delay in starting any follow up treatment would be insignificant and getting the right information for the correct treatment plan, was more important.

    After everything you've gone through in a relatively short time, it was no wobder you didn't sleep last night. Actually, I was awake too and I have now finished my treatment so I don't have as much excuse as you have!

    I hope all goes well with your treatment over the next few months. At least you have found this site where there will always be someone who can share your experiences and reassure you. Unfortunately I was into my third chemo cycle before I found it. It would have been so helpful in the early days when like you, there was all that waiting for results and the unknown.

    Take care. Make time for a little siesta after lunch Karen

    1. I
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lacomtekp

    Thank you Karen, I finally went to bed at 6.30 but I look good for it today - not! Lol

    Life has dealt me a pretty horrid hand over the years and I guess I've just learnt to try to focus on the positives. 

    I am seeing my genetic consultant on the 12th too, she's in the morning and results in the afternoon. She has agreed to do the BRCA mutation. 

    I'll probably have a wobble around the 13th lol

  • We'll be thinking about you. Don't forget to let us know how you get on.

    Love Karen

    1. I
  • FormerMember

    Hi Peaches, glad your op went well. The sleeping thing....well that's normal. I can't say I've had a full, proper nights sleep since this all began, unless I've had some help from wine or a sleeping pill. 

    With all the stress around a cancer diagnosis your brain goes into overdrive, trying to process it all.

     I used to get in bed and it was like 100 ping pong balls going off in my brain. :)

    It does ease off. I still have some bizarre dreams and some very strong dreams, relating to situations current in my life. 

    One of my friends did a mindfulness course and shared a few tips with me. That helped to calm my poor old brain. 

    Your still in the 'waiting to find out' stage. How I hated that time, the first 5 weeks absolutely shredded my nerves. Whatever the outcome there will be options and a treatment plan, so no matter what it is you'll have a course of action. The fear of the Unknown is often worse than the reality of it. 

    If you can't sleep, don't try. Read a book, watch some tv or do a puzzle. I re watched all the Ab Fab episodes! I would definately recommend comedy, you can't beat a good laugh to cheer you up:)

    It's very early days since your operation so it might just all settle down. At this point I wouldn't worry about when you sleep, as long as you do. I had a lot of daytime snoozing, I just couldn't stay awake. Come! Wide awake grrrr

    If it's not getting better,or you find your feeling anxious, then ask your doctor for some diazepam. I've never been one for popping pills but I got a prescription and only used it occasionally, it did help. 

    Take care and take it easy 

    Love Kerry xxx

  • FormerMember

    I had a lumpectomy and lymph node biopsy on the 18th August and I am struggling to get a good nights sleep as I don't get my results for another 2 weeks. You are not alone in having sleepless nights.

    When you feel up to it, you might want to try some of the complimentary therapies available at your local Macmillan centre, I have tried reiki and meditation and I have a relaxation cd which I play at bedtime. There might also be a haven centre in your area which is specifically for people living with breast cancer,

    Try a milky drink at bedtime rather than tea or coffee, as someone else said if you can't sleep get up and read a book or listen to some relaxing music.

  • I don't think I slept properly throughout the whole experience - diagnosis, surgery, chemo, radio, herceptin. Now coming to the end of herceptin and I'm starting to sleep a bit better but I still wake a couple of times a night. 

    The best advice I had was on this site I think near the start of my journey and I've not forgotten it - if you can't sleep at night, then sleep during the day. 


    Lynn xx

    Lynn xx 

  • FormerMember

    I had a lumpectomy 3 weeks ago and I didn’t sleep or even dose for 3 days after surgery. I couldn’t figure it out either. I finally took generic target sleeping pills to get some rest. Also I can’t find any information on this but my surgeon and radiologist are requiring me to get a mammogram tomorrow. I’m freaking out because I still have the stitches and the surgical tape hasn’t even fallen off yet. I’m still in pain and that sounds torturous 

  • Please don’t worry about sleep so soon after surgery, they often use steroids in the anaesthetic mix which contribute to insomnia!

    plus at present you are still a bit in limbo waiting for results which take a while to finalise and discuss with the team (called a multi disciplinary meeting or MDT for short) 

    nap during the day if you feel you need it, that’s fine, you’re still recovering from surgery after all! 
    Hugs xxx
