stereotactic Radiosurgery

  • 25 replies
  • 5 subscribers

Hello All,

I am wondering if anyone has any experience of stereotactic Radiosurgery and if it worked for them. I had breast cancer 15 years ago and in March this year found out I have brain metastases, a 2cm tumour. I was unable to have surgery and have had 1 dose of Radiosurgery just over 2 months ago.  I am coming up to the time for my first scan and feel very anxious that the procedure has not worked. The numbness in my face which alerted me to go to the doctor originally is still there and on many days worse and I appear to have reduced mobility in my face. I also suffer from a feeling of pressure around my eyes, particularly towards the afternoon and when I am tired. Basically I have exactly the same symptoms as before the Radiosurgery which makes me very worried that the tumour is still growing.

I think if I go back to the oncologist I will just be told to wait for the scan. Is there anyone else in my situation that can tell me about their experience ? 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gobaith

    Hi All

    I wondered how you got on with your results? I hope they were good.

    Thank you Gobaith, Never hurts to have a hand with faith.

    Take care

  • Good to hear from u again Gina.Keep as well as u can xx

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
  • Hello all,

    Had my MRI results tumor has shrunk by 2 cm which doesn't sound much but have been told that is good as the treatment aims to stabalise.  However my oncologist said that there is something 'non specific' on the scan on the other side which may be causing the tinnitus.  He asked the neurologists to relook at my scan and said they might decide to do a lumber puncture.

    I have since received a call from a nurse following the MDT meeting and she said they are just going to repeat the MRI in 3 months and weren't worried. I am a bit apprehensive about this as tinnitus now constant. I do have a neurology appointment in 2 weeks though so will question further then.

    In the meantime I have stopped the steroids, I still get a feeling of pressure in my face but it is more bearable than the side effects of the steroids and is much better some days than others.  Face still numb but guess I will have to learn to live with these symptoms now.

    I am trying to feel positive about my results but actually feel quite down.  It seems like I am waiting for the next symptom everyday and cant relax and get on with ife - has anyone else felt this way ?   

  • Shrinkage of 2cm is great!

    My various things eg nodules in chest generally increase by a few mms/ 3 months, so 2cm is actually quite a lot.

    It's quite natural to still feel down, especially as you're having to put up with things like tinnitus n pressure in the face. What a drag. 

    Good luck re neurology appointment. Let us know how u get on pls.

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
  • It is eight weeks since I had stereotactic radiosurgery and just waiting for results of MRI to see if my brain tumours have grown 

    it’s a terrible time waiting