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Been a while my brain tumour has been rescanned and the doctors took a bit from by brain. They tell it’s rare form and they explain it’s like a load of dots of the cancer all over by brain. At the moment it’s inactive but they say it will come back, but don’t know how. All they have said when it does it will take me. 
To go with that just after Xmas my wife has left me.

Home is up for sale looking to move to somewhere smaller. The tumour has affected hearing and walking un aided. I’m trying to get fitter and stronger everyday. Really hard having to rely on people to things for me. Luckily I’ve got three lovely kids who support me as much they can. They all have the own family to look after. My x will not even talk to discuss things because she lost the motability new car which she got when i became ill. Cannot remember anything of the last 15 years, motability found out that the car was not doing being used to help me and not being parked at address so insurance was being affected. So she blames me for her not swanning about in a new car.

Life has been turned upside down, looking for a new flat or somewhere to move to. 

  • Morning Victoriab73 I have had horrible cold etc. Sat looking out over my great view in my new flat. I had to move because madam wanted her half of house sale. My son found a lovely flat, so it’s like a new chapter. Also getting over the feeling of being kicked down stairs from someone I used to love so much. Hope you’re doing ok, trying to use this horrible website, it seems strange it from a company dedicated to cancer, but horrible for people with brain cancer .

    bye for no 

  • Hello and thank you for your email. I am sorry to hear that you are struggling. Sadly, this is all part of the brain journey we are on. 
    With regards to your partner leaving and the emotional impact that has had on you, all I can say is time is a healer and you will heal. I do not know the reasons for the departure but in many ways this shows the person may not be for you. It is so important to seek support from friends and family, as well as exploring Macmillan groups to join. Talking about your condition and the real feelings you are experiencing in a group with likeminded people will help you feel that you aren’t alone. Perhaps explore these options? There is so much support in the wider community that I am sure will empower and prop you up. Be brave. It’s a tough journey to be on. I always say ‘put your big girl/boy pants on and find something to get you through today’.  Take care and hope this has helped in a small way. 
    Prawn Heart

  • Morning. 

    Hope you are over the worst of your cold. 

    Im so glad you can enjoy the view from your new place. 

    I'm struggling alot emotionally these few weeks... certainly since my partner left the week before Christmas. 

    I'm feeling like a cancer outcast... feel like I'm damaged goods and completely unwanted... I'm hating cancer and how it's wiped out my identity.

    Sorry I'm not very upbeat today x

  • Don’t worry vent your frustration, I know how you’re feeling. I feel the same being outcast because of cancer. Herd what my x has been telling people why she left. I think that makes her feel better. Been looking at her Facebook and she been having affair for a long time. Even told be she was having a holiday with her sister because she lost her partner. But she went with him, I am sure she thought the three’s months, four years on he left his wife as well. I do thank her for getting me home and to this point. But with catheter and hospital bed physical side of life was gone. Plus I do get moody and swear more than usual. But like you if your life has changed so much swearing is nothing. My addiction now is adult Lego and colouring books for adults. Using up some of time in a day. Taking my recycling out to the bins is now a highlight for me. 
    Enough all things in the past. Through this site let’s concentrate on the future and enjoy our lives .


  • Evening sorry it’s been a long time since beyon site. My memory doesn’t help, all settled in new flat and doing most things for myself. Got brilliant kids, and my youngest daughter has Had my 6 grandchildren. Little Henry . 
    I started looking differently, i starts new chapter five years ago which is about when I started to remember. The three months has well gone, still a bit wobbly, x has left the DH she left me for, lo with my son, even started talking to me . 
    Life and this condition is hard and even the doctors have not got all the answers yet. 
    Hopefully you are doing well .

  • Morning Victoria hope you are still improving. I was not sure to reply, I’ve been through a bad patch one of the pills were not working. Apparently it was down to supply problems using different formulas etc. But back to my new self, I have decided because of memory problems I have started a new me, with my new friend cancer, going to five years since the consultant gave me three months to live. My x is taking now and has moved into the block of flats opposite mind. My new life is a bit boring but the kids visit when they can , bonus they can see both in one day. Grandkids are getting bigger, my youngest daughter just had my six grandchildren with a little boy. My dads not very well and been moved to a nursing home, find going to see him is hard. 
    Really hoping you are still proving your consultant wrong . Sorry it’s been such a long time, but my new me wants to keep talking.