Herbal remedies?

  • 3 replies
  • 54 subscribers


I just wondered if anyone else uses herbal remedies?  I have been researching a bit about what natural products might help and it says turmeric and cbd oil are good.  I've bought both (although the cbd is in capsules not the oil) but my husband hasn't taken them yet.  He's on 2mg of dexamethasone at the moment.  

  • I have just bought a Turkey Tail mushroom tincture from IW Mushrooms. Someone recommended it so thought I’d give it a go. Quercetin is supposed to be anti cancer but not sure which type. Frankinsense oil too but again not sure which type. No harm in trying it I suppose x

  • Hi

    There are numerous herbal supplements that may offer some support but please link in with your husband's medical team before taking any. Some can impact the effectiveness of prescribed medications. An example from personal experience, I was taking CBD oil for chronic pain prior to surgery to remove a large unstructured lipoma from my stomach area and at my pre-op appointment declared I had been taking it. I was told to stop immediately as it reduced the effectiveness of some anaesthetics.

    I'm confident this group will offer plenty of support and suggestions

    Please also remember that you can call the MacMillan helpine for guidance and advice. The number is below.

    love n hugs

    Wee Me xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you for this info. I didn’t think of that although I am not undergoing any treatment as yet. My first consultation after diagnosis is in December. I will let them know though. Grinning