
  • 4 replies
  • 48 subscribers

SA message care on email asking if I needed to talk. I wanted to reply that I am not ready. But I can't find the place to respond. Maybe it's a computer generated email? Anyway thank you. I am slowly telling my friends....its not easy and for us it doesn't help. We feel we are upsetting people. I'm an emotional mess and I am probably wrong but I need to deal with it my way. I do need help I do need support but I'm.not ready or too afraid to deal with it.All you lovely people here are amazing and kind and helpful. God bless you all 

  • Hi Mypies

    not sure what email you received but you're under no pressure to talk to anyone about all that's going on and how you feel until you're ready to do so.

    Twenty two months down the line there are still plenty folk in my world that I've not told about what's going on. Anyone who needs to know knows. Like you I hate upsetting people as that makes me feel worse too. Human beings are all a bundle of mixed up emotions tied together with love and good intentions.

    I too know I need to open up at some point and like you I'm not ready to deal with that yet. I guess we'll both know/feel when the time is right for us.

    As long as you know you can reach out here anytime then that's enough for now.

    Sending you a huge virtual hug. 

    love n hugs

    Wee Me xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you....its good to know I'm not alone.  Xx

  • I totally understand where you are. I know I will need help but not ready yet and still struggling to tell people or talk to people. X

  • HeartHeartHeartHeart this is your decision.  

    A lady replied to me earlier and sat here are no rules.  Be you. God bless you Pray Heart