New diagnosis - high grade glioma

  • 15 replies
  • 54 subscribers

Hi all

i’ve just (last week)  been diagnosed with a high grade glioma in my right occipital lobe following a traffic accident and am awaiting surgery at king’s. Was hoping to be going in today for surgery tomorrow but it’s been postponed to next week some time. I’m 54, live in East Sussex, married with 2 late teenage kids. As many of you will know things have moved very quickly and I’m not sure I’ve taken it in yet - feel I’m on a conveyor belt and I’m just letting it take me wherever it goes. I guess I’m posting to connect with others who are or have been in a similar position and offer each other someone to talk to, lean on, chew things over etc.

  • Hi JJM67

    Yep me living in Kent, high grade Oligo too - King’s will be the best  place for you, safe hands, I’ve had excellent treatment & you doubtless will have also.

    Interesting that yours was spotted only after an RTA, did you not have any signs or symptoms previous to this?


  • Hi Lionel

    Thanks for replying.
    i had some symptoms, visual distortions mostly, but labelled them as migraines. In hindsight (wonderful thing) there have probably been other signs but who knows what’s related / unrelated to the tumour. The accident was a blessing in many ways - slow speed,  no one else involved, a fireman who was observant enough to recognise symptoms and insist on an urgent ambulance even though I was uninjured and an incredible team at Maidstone stroke unit who made the diagnosis. kings have been fantastic so far and I have every faith in them.

    How long ago we’re you diagnosed? Are you having chemo / radiotherapy at Maidstone?


  • Interesting story John! And you’ve certainly had a bit of luck - we all need to be fortunate at times don’t we!

    Its coming up 9 years since diagnosis now & in all honesty I’ve not had much to complain about - still working a bit 

    All my radio & chemo done years ago & now on annual MRIs to monitor 

    Feel free to ask anything further if you’d like?


  • Meant to add, yes Maidstone - My Consultant Dr Glendenning, a lovely lady 

  • Hi John

    welcome to the online community. So sorry to hear about your RTA and subsequent diagnosis. Those initial weeks following diagnosis are a total whirlwind of emotions. 

    My husband( then 51) was diagnosed with a grade 4 glioblastoma in early Sept 2020 and this group has been a great source of support for me. There's always someone around to listen and share experiences as you've already seen. Everyone around here "gets it" and there's plenty of support and virtual hugs when they're needed.

    It’s always good to talk so remember you can also call the Macmillan Support Services on 0808 808 00 00 - most services are open 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week Clicking here to see what is available. This service provides lots of cancer information, emotional support, benefit and financial guidance or just a listening ear.

    Sending you a huge virtual hug and lots of positive vibes that your surgery goes smoothly. Stay positive.

    love n hugs

    Wee me xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Wow Lionel - I can’t tell you how good it feels to make to contact with someone who’s been through what I’m facing and has beaten it for 9 years! I was beginning to feel there was little hope of more than a year or two. You’ve shown me there’s every reason to be optimistic for which I’m very grateful! john

  • Think I will have he same consultant at Maidstone - her name has certainly been mentioned.

  • It’s what this chat site is all about isn’t it, & it’s served me well with support these years Thumbsup

    The Hermitage Lane connection also focusses things further somehow?

    Stick with it John!! Fist tone1Fist tone1

  • Will do Lionel

    the positive I act of your reply has prompted me to update my profile. I’d rather overlooked the fact that I’ve been living with bladder cancer for 20 years! It’s never been invasive but recurred many times and scary at the start with a 6 month old baby. My bladder cancer has never been life threatening (in my mind at least) and has just been part of my life for 20 odd years. Hopefully I can reassure other’s as you have me.


  • Should have been “positive note”. Predictive text!!!