Just lost my sister to Glioevilblastoma

  • 1 reply
  • 34 subscribers

We’ve just lost my sister who was 54 to Glioblastoma. She was a mum, daughter and sister and a wonderful, loving and rock to us all. Just 5 weeks! How do I and the family cope with this as I do not know where to start? Just thought I’d reach out. 

  • Hello Bicep100

    I am really sorry to hear that your have just lost your sister to Glioblastoma. There is no right or wrong way to feel during times like this and it is understandable that you just don't know where to start. All I would suggest from personal experience is to go with the flow, express and share with each other your emotions and do not be afraid of the tears. It has all happened so quickly for you all and I can understand that this must have been so difficult to cope with.

    I see that you have joined the bereavement forum and this is a good place to start where you can safely share with others who have gone through similar circumstances.

    I see that one of our Community Champions has responded to your post in the bereavement forum and has given your some really helpful advice. 

    I can also recommend the Support Line if you feel talking it through with someone would help. They are lovely on there. They would also be able to do a search on your local area and find out if there is anything local to you and your family that may help. 

    If there is anything else that would help, please just ask.

    Once again, I am very sorry for your loss.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm