
  • 6 replies
  • 34 subscribers

Hubby diagnosed with secondary brain tumor at beginning of August, having had eosophagael cancer last year and following his op was given the all clear..  His chemo from last year left him with permanent neuropathy in both feet.  He received 3 sessions of stereotactic radiosurgery mid September and was told, following an mri at end of November that tumor had shrunk from 3.5cm to 1.25cm..  Naturally we were delighted with this news.  However, since then he has been suffering with lots of different things and is back on the morphine again.   Our main worry is that over the past 2 weeks his face started to develop 'numb' patches - initially above his left brow, then his forehead, the top of his head, etc.  This has now spread to the whole head and inside the mouth, which affects his speech and swallowing.  We've phoned the CNS who have spoken to his consultant (who we have yet to meet or speak to) and the appear not to be worried or even interested.  We've gone through his gp and been to our local hospital assessment unit who have taken xrays and blood tests and an mri for his other symptoms but they have no idea what the numbness could be.  Has anybody here ever had or know of anyone who has had these side effects, it really is worrying and we have no idea who to turn to.

  • Is the numbness on one side of the face/mouth/head?

  • No it's all over.  The tumor is on the left side behind ear

  • I missed that you've already had an MRI, so it is unlikely to be a new tumour. This shows the point where the facial nerves meet up, a tumour there might be responsible for numbness on both sides of the face.

  • Hoping that a new tumor couldn't appear in such a short space of time, but who knows.  I'll contact the local hospital tomorrow regarding Friday's body mri and I'll try again to see if I can speak to his consultant.  Thanks for your reply akist.

  • HI Gretchibald

    a warm welcome to the group. So sorry to hear about what you are going through. 

    I too am supporting my husband  so I can empathise with what you are going through. My husband was diagnosed with a grade 4 brain tumour in Sept 2020 and its been a rollercoaster ride ever since.

    I have no experience of the side effects that you mention but would encourage you to pursue the CNS for some answers and chase up an appointment with the consultant. 

    This group is a good source of support so hopefully one of the other members may be able to offer some  guidance here. It’s always good to talk so remember you can call the Macmillan Support Services on 0808 808 00 00 - most services are open 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week Clicking here to see what is available. This service provides lots of cancer information, emotional support, benefit and financial guidance or just a listening ear.

    Hang in there. Stay positive. Sending you a huge virtual hug. Stay strong.

    love n hugs

    Wee me xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thanks so much, it's so difficult watching them go through it.  I'm just thinking this is the begining of the end now, especially since he has now started vomiting again.  I phoned the dalriada doctor and was told just to go and sit in A&E (it could be an 8 hr wait) but all they will do is blood tests and possibly a scan before even think about treatment and we had all that just last week.  We're now sticking it out til morning and I'll contact DAU again - there is an amazing Dr. there and we're pining all our hopes on him - just hope he's working tomorrow.  Hope all goes well with your hubby Wee me, it's such a strain but you draw the energy from somewhere.  Best of luck to you both. xx
