Hello everyone I'm Dee

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  • 34 subscribers

Hello  8 years ago I had throat cancer and have just finished my treatment, all clear.  I felt amazing for a few days then got hit with a nuerologist appointment and brain scans to see if I have a brain tumour.  Absolutely no one knows as Im dreading putting my sons and elderly parents through it all again.  I just wanted to ask you all if any of you have had these symptoms.  Every morning when I wake my vision is ziggy zaggy with grey spots dancing about, im dizzy and always fall to the right hand side.  I now have to wait about half an hour for this all to stop before I can get up out of bed.  My hearing, originally damaged by my radiotherapy has suddenly got a lot worse  20 years ago I had epilepsy and my gp thinks it could just be that coming back.  Any advice/info would be great from you all.  Right now im obviously hoping its epilepsy but i would like to hear what you all think.  If i need to pull my big girl pants up and get ready for battle i would like to get my head round itl. xx

  • Hi 

    I'm so sorry to read that after successfully having overcome throat cancer you're now having investigations for a possible brain tumour.

    I don't have any knowledge of what symptoms are normal for this type of cancer but I noticed that no one had responded to your post yet. By replying to you it will 'bump' your post back to the top of the discussion list where hopefully it'll be seen by someone who can give their first hand experience.

    I have found this information for you from Macmillan on the signs and symptoms of a brain tumour which includes a video. Hopefully this will provide you with the information you're looking for.

    I'll keep everything crossed that it isn't a brain tumour.


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