Struggling to come to terms with husbands recent diagnosis of a brain tumour

  • 18 replies
  • 36 subscribers

My husband (my soulmate) up until 3 weeks ago was a fit and healthy man, going to work as a window fitter and my carer as I have my own health issues.Then he came home had 3 seizures and was rushed to hospital. After ct scans and mri the consultant gave us the devastating news it's a high grade glioma non operable?? Treatable but not curable. He is due to start radiotherapy and possibly chemo In a few week.its been a whirlwind and our life has changed so much. I'm so scared for him hes my strength and dont know how i will cope.i know we cant change it but its affected his speech and his right side, slight change in his personality and even though weve cried together and laughed together, I feel alone, trapped as I have things I want to say but dont want to upset him?? I'm trying to protect him.Hes the love of my life and dont know what to do.

  • Hi Ozz76, 

    I'm so sorry that your husband has been given this diagnosis. I understand that devastating feeling of one minute everything is ok and the next your world is changed for ever. My husband was diagnosed with glioblastoma in August 19. He had been to work as normal in the day and that evening he had a seizure and that was the start of this path we're on. 

    I'm not sure how we find the strength to cope but somehow we do. Joining this group and realising that you're not on your own with this and there are lovely people on this site with support to offer can be a real help. 

    I hope your husband starts his treatment soon and that it helps with his symptoms. 

    Love and best wishes xx

  • Thanks for your reply.Sorry to hear about your husband. How did his treatment go? He starts treatment on 17th dec so fingers crossed. 

  • Hi, 

    My husband was 'lucky' that they could remove most of his tumour He then had 6 weeks radiotherapy and chemo together.  Now he on monthly chemo (temozolomide). Until his last scan a few weeks ago there was no sign of progression but there was a very small area of recurrence seen so they are carrying on with chemo and scanning again in 3 months to see what's happening. 

    Is your husband having radiotherapy and chemo? I hope his treatment goes well and is helps with his symptoms.  My husband tolerated his 6 week treatment fairly well, just getting very tired after the it finished. 

    Take care xx

  • Sounds good news fingers crossed for you both.They wont operate on Martin as they say it's too near his frontal lobe.

    Hes having both radiotherapy and chemotherapy?  Chemo for 2 weeks then 4 to 6 week break whilst still on radiotherapy and then 6 months of the chemo tablet form.

    I hope all goes well for your husband xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ozz76

    Hello both, your experiences are very familiar to me. On the 2nd October, out of the blue, my husband had a seizure which didn't stop. He was taken to A & E & put in an induced coma. Later I was told he had a brain tumour. We didn't know how or if he would wake up. He did wake up but not exactly the same person he was before. His left front lobe was affected. They operated to "de-bulk" the tumour & confirmed a GBM. He was very difficult to deal with on high dose steroids, which has since been reduced to 2 tabs per day. After 2-3 weeks he started 3 weeks intense radiotherapy, combined with chemo by tablet, which he tolerated very well, eating all before him, & still is, again which is unusual for him. They condensed 6 weeks treatment into 3 to reduce the number of visits to hospital in these COVID times. He finished this treatment last week & he's now extremely tired, can be short-tempered, & still not quite the same man as before, neither will he talk about what's happened. As you've both said, our lives have changed for ever, but at least there are people on here who can relate to our experiences. I wish you well on this journey, & it's good to know there are people here who understand & know how it feels.

  • Hi Crosbybantum,

    I'm sorry that you find yourself in this situation and that your husband has been diagnosed with GBM. It sounds like you've been through a very difficult time 

    As you said, we are going through very similar experiences and this forum is very helpful if you need to ask questions, let off some steam or you just need support from someone who understands

    Take care x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to LC 50

    Thank you, much appreciated x

  • Hi again unfortunately my husband's tumour has grown and they have now withdrawn offer of radiotherapy and chemotherapy as they say he wont be strong enough. 

    6 weeks to the day our lives changed forever. Every moment is to be cherished. I love him more than ever before and just wish I could take it away from him.

    I wish u both well on your journeys please enjoy every waking moment with your husband's. They might not be the same person as you met, but they are still the same underneath this horrible disease.

    Take care and keep strong


  • Oh Ozz76 I'm so sorry to hear that. I can imagine how broken you must both feel being told there will be no treatment. 

    Sending you both much love and best wishes xx 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ozz76
    • Hello, I'm so sorry to hear this awful news. I can't believe this has happened so quickly, & can only imagine how you both feel, & you are quite right about cherishing every moment with our loved ones. It is indeed a horrible disease. We send our love to both of you, & thank you so much for wishing us well on this journey. Please know you are in our thoughts, & will continue to be so. Xx