Newly diagnosed

  • 6 replies
  • 35 subscribers

Hi, I'm a 45 year old mum of 3 beautiful young girls and had recently had an MRi scan on the 18th August and a week later i got the news that they have found that I have a Meningioma on the left side. I have been advised to have another scan this time with contrast. At the moment I know I've got it but not what's going to happen next I'm kind of living in limbo. I'm petrified about going in the scanner again as I found it an horrendous experience. I'm worried about what the future may hold.

  • Hi, i dont have any knowledge about your type of cancer but saw that no one had replied to your message.I think if you are unsure of what,s to come its best to get in touch with your consultant.Now has to what happens next, you know that another scan is going to happen,then i would imagine the consultant,and oncology team will get together to discuss your scans and see what treatment is needed.Now this can take a week or more so try to keep calm,we all felt the same as you as waiting is the worse part of all this.When you are on a treatment plan you will feel more in control and and so scared. the scanners are not the nicest of procedures to go through but just think if you can without the scan i wount be able to get the treatment i need to fight this illness.When i have to have scans i always give myself something nice to do after, nice coffee and cake, or a take away what ever makes you happy, and as you can see in my case its food ha ha.The first few weeks are the worse there is a lot to take in,please give yourself time to take it all in. There are groups on this site that deal with specific types of cancer so when you have a minute look for them on this forum. You can then talk to other people who are in the same situation. wishing you all the very best.Keep sake and calm x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to wino

    Hi thank you for your kind words. As of yet I haven't been referred to a consultant but I have been back in touch with my Gp and yesterday my appointment came through for my 2nd scan it's scheduled for the 21st October. Today has been a bad day first time I've had a few tears and felt really low butvi think it's come from not sleeping very well so am over tired. X

  • Hi Loveslilac great news about your 2nd scan appointment for 21st October. I am sorry to hear you have had a bad day, tears are part of the how we feel from day to day please just let it out, i can cry from minute to minute and day to day, but its how we all feel.I know how you feel about whats going to happen in the future. You can read my profile if you have the time, but i remain positive and hopeful i will be around long enough to annoy and irritate my son ha ha. It will get better, you will find the strength too cope i can only wish you all the best in the future.I am here like many others if you need a chat or a moan. Take care keep calm x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to wino

    So today I had my 2nd scan this time with contrast. It wasn't as bad as the first scan but now I've got a 4-6 week wait for the results. 

  • Hi Loveslilac,

    I was diagnosed three years ago with a left frontal lobe meningioma and it was so overwhelming initially. However once I had spoken to a consultant about my treatment options; this helped somewhat. I think MRIs can be difficult but sounds like you coped really well and they do get easier with time I've found. Once you get the results and the medical team have discussed your tumour and treatment options, it is likely you will feel less in limbo. Hope your results come through soon and I am here if you want to talk more.

  • Good morning

    I came home yesterday after having a front left lopel removal. 3 weeks since found Please fell free to read my profile and if I can support you in any way don't hesitate to ask. Xxx

    3rd Timer Beating C