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  • 32 subscribers

HI All, 

My dad has recently been diagnosed with a brain tumour.  He has had an operation and the surgeon was able to remove 90% of the tumour. Dad now needs chemo and radio therapy. This is all happening very quickly and quite a shot for the whole family.  Any advice would be very welcome! 

  • Hi Scilly (If I may call you that),

    Welcome to a club that nobody wants to join. I'm sorry this has happened.

    I imagine that the whole experience hasn't really sunk in yet - for your dad or for you. When this happened to me it took me a while. I am a fairly philosophical bloke and just went along with it all. Sort of "oh well, better get on with things". That can end up with bottling up a lot of emotions. People takes the situation in lots of different ways. Just being there for him will help him.

    It sounds as though there are a few people in the family which is good for moral support first and foremost. A good idea that you have joined the family and friends group.

    It's good news that they have got out 90%. Lets hope that the radio and chemo can get a lot more out. I'm guessing that it will be radio first.

    For me the radio was not a big problem - just lie down and think of ... anything. The mask he'll need to wear while he's lying down is quite a tight fit and can make some people feel a bit claustrophobic but it is only for a short time. This whole thing will make him quite tired.

    It'll be the same with the chemo. Very tiring and maybe feeling rather sick.

    If you like, tell us more about all this. What kind of tumour is it? Whereabouts is it? Have you had any problems because of this (I have to take pills to stop any fits)? You can put that info on your profile so others will know a bit about the situation. Have a butcher's at mine if you like.

    Ask or say anything you like here - nobody will mind. Ask for advice. Scream and rage if you like.

    Hope to speak soon and let us know how things are going. In the meantime, take care.
