Tumour found in brain

  • 5 replies
  • 18 subscribers

I've recently had my left kidney removed, and a few days later was taken to hospital due to confusion. They did an MRI scan and found a tumour.

I spoke to the guy who's going to by my surgeon, and he was so doom and gloom. He said that now it's in my blood, I'll always have the potential for the cancer reappearing. He showed no sympathy and wasn't trying to molly coddle me.

He said it's small and is accompanied by shadowing, and he believes he'll be able to remove it intact.

I'm not sure how to write or what to say. My brain is in a state.


  • Hi Geoff

    I am sorry to hear of your kidney cancer and that they have found a tumour in your brain. It must have been quite a shock and I am not surprised that you feel a bit all over the place. 

    I suppose in a way it is good that they have found it while it is small and it does explain the confusion that you have had. I have found during my cancer journey that sometimes the surgeons can come across as quite abrupt and matter of fact. I am sorry that yours wasn't more sympathetic. 

    It sounds hopeful that he believes that he will be able to remove it intact and I think for a lot of cancers there is always the potential that they will pop up again elsewhere. Try to hold on to the fact that he believes it can be treated. During my cancer I also found it helped to just focus on the next step, rather than look too far ahead. If I looked too far at what lay ahead it could feel overwhelming. 

    Have you got a CNS that you can talk things through with. They may be able to give some reassurance about what will happen next for you. 

    Perhaps also consider giving the Support Line a call to talk things through. You have had a shock and I know for me that often I would need time to process it all and speaking to someone can really help. 

    I will pop a link here for you with some info that you may find helpful.

    Secondary brain cancer | Macmillan Cancer Support

    I wish you well with your surgery and I hope that any treatment you need can be organised quickly so you are not having to wait and worry. In the meantime, we are here if you need us.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Jane,

    I really appreciate your comment, so thank for you for that and all that you wrote.

    I haven't been given a CNS, much like I wasn't at my last surgery. This surgery feels so much more serious though and it's hard to get my head around the fact I'll need brain surgery.

    You're right that it is a positive sign that it's been found so soon. Is it soon enough though I wonder? I don't know how quickly these things grow - Or if "grow" is even the correct term.

    Yes he was abrupt and I guess that's just the way he was. He simply listed the options for treatment and the benefits, but it was clear which he was choosing for me. I'm fine with it, it'll be simpler, and a lot more local to me. Well that's if local is the correct term but who knows.

    I agree to only look at the next step. I'm just still getting over it, or should I say that I'm trying to get over it. I don't know, I'm struggling with articulating myself at the moment.

    Sorry that I'm not able to be myself at the moment. I guess it's this thing in me that's causing it.


  • Just a quick update to say that I'm home from hospital. The tumour was removed and CT scan clear, with just a bandage on my head now. It was an awful time due to lack of sleep, and I was in there all Weekend. In a strange way I already miss it as the room was amazing with nice people. The lack of sleep though really took it's toll.


  • Hi Geoff

    Glad that the tumour has been removed and scan is clear. I hope that you can now relax at home and catch up on some sleep. 

    Hope you are doing ok, it all seemed to happen very quickly.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Jane. Yes it has all seemed to move very quickly. I expected at least another 2 weeks before surgery but they called last wednesday giving me just 2 days notice.

    I've now had 3 stays in hospital apparently! I thought it was 2 but my girlfriend explained how it's actually 3. Each stay has been for about 3 days.

    It's hard to believe what's happened in my life in a few short weeks. I've gone from being relatively healthy to being diagnosed with diabetes and a kidney tumour on the same day, closely followed by a brain tumour.

    I'm now relaxing at home trying to take it all in while looking forward to countless appointments.